URL shorteners can hide serious threat to users

If you work with the internet or even if you are an active internet user, you have certainly already shortened a link. Today, there are even several websites and programs that do this service. After all, it is always a hand in the wheel for social networks to use short and less polluted links. However, this practice can be quite expensive.

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Some digital security experts claim that there is malware in URL shorteners. Of course, viruses are only in some software that do this kind of service. However, it is worth redoubling attention when reducing the extension of the link on a website or program.

These malware can damage your digital equipment or, worse, steal users' sensitive data. Number of cards, documents, passwords, in short, various pieces of information that are of great value could be at risk.

There are URL shorteners that use aggressive advertising techniques (or “scareware”). Advertisements jump on the screen in the form of messages, which may be inappropriate for minors. Some can even imitate antivirus alerts. The intention is always the same: to steal user data.

There are cases, where a malicious code on the URL shortener website used the Play Store. It had the objective of making the internet user download a file from the app store that was contaminated.

This type of malicious code is called FakeAdBlocker. An example of it was first detected in 2019. That year, in the first half alone, more than 150,000 malware files were downloaded by Android devices.

Brazil is one of the most affected countries

Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia, Mexico, Peru and Brazil are on the list of the most infected countries. Hundreds of cases had the trojan “Cerberus” downloaded. This virus specializes in stealing bank details.

There are extreme cases, where malware can lead to serious harm to the victim. Examples include: loss of bank account, embezzlement, taking out loans, etc.

how to protect yourself

Therefore, before downloading a new app, make sure that it is a reliable program. When using URL shortener sites, it is important to always check the link and look for recommended sites.

Afterwards, it's important to keep an antivirus installed and updated on your cell phone. These preventive measures are the most efficient and the most indicated in the fight against malware.

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