The Formation of the Holy Empire

The name Sacro Empire is given to the union of some territories of Central Europe during the late Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Age.

In the year 476 d. Ç. the Roman Empire went through several clashes that, consequently, brought about its final overthrow. In addition to the economic decline caused by the great inflation promoted by the emperors during the third century crisis and decline cultural culture generated after the naturalization of the barbarians, Rome was still invaded by the Heruli, Germanic peoples from southern Africa. Scandinavia. The State decided to intervene by creating cesaropapism, a system of relationships in which it was responsible for regulating the doctrine, discipline and organization of Christian society. The end of the Roman Empire ended state control of the church in the West, which had grown stronger over time.

In 919 d. Ç. Germania was invaded by Hungarian barbarians. The Germans asked the Carolingians for help, but they were unsuccessful. In 936 d. Ç. Oton I was named emperor. Together with the large landowners, he managed to drive out the invaders. His victory over the Hungarians brought him enormous prestige, and in 962 Pope John XII granted him the imperial consecration. In order to prevent further invasions, the Germans from the south joined with the Italians from the north. The North Germans invaded southern Germania and northern Italy, forming the Holy Roman Empire. Despite its name, the city of Rome was not included in the cities dominated during the Empire.

By Demercino Junior
Graduated in History

Source: Brazil School -

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