Will you spend many days away from home? So leave a coin in the fridge freezer

With the advancement of technology, with each passing day new models of refrigerators are launched on the market and even promise more efficiency in terms of refrigeration and maintenance of preserved food.

Considering that power outages can occur, it was shared, on the internet, how to check if there was a defrost in the periods when you were away from home. See details!

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Find out once and for all if your food is in good condition

In everyday life, several unforeseen events can occur, and, among these, we can mention interruptions in the energy supply in homes. There are cases where this scenario is fast, while there are others where maintenance ends up being time consuming.

These power outages directly affect the quality of food. The interruptions end up promoting the growth of bacteria, especially in meat and dairy products. For such scenarios there is an amazing solution.

But how can a coin say something about the condition of food?

Yes, do you believe that a coin can indicate the condition of the food if there has been a blackout?

Well, in 2016, an engineering specialist said that, for the experiment, it is necessary to have a glass of warm water inside the Freezer. It is important to pay attention to the material, as this way explosions will be avoided.

When the water in the glass is frozen, place a coin on the surface and return everything to the freezer.

What is the main purpose of this experiment?

The engineer says that this test is great for times when you're on vacation. So, it will be possible to check if your food went through some thawing process while you are away from home.

If the coin is at the bottom of the glass, it means that your meats have defrosted and, therefore, the ideal thing is that you discard them, as there are great possibilities that the food is not good.

Now, if the coin is exactly where you left it, on top of the cup, that means there was nothing unexpected on the days you were away from home, so your food is in fine state.

The specialist concludes by saying that regardless of your absence, it is always good to put this experiment into practice, so that you will know whether or not there was a power outage.

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