It's normal to experience anxiety in certain situations, as it is part of human nature to be apprehensive about the future.
However, in some cases, anxiety can manifest itself in an intense and disproportionate way, causing discomfort and interfering with quality of life.
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In this sense, a simple test of the proposed doodle can help to identify a person's level of anxiety through a visual analysis.
Each doodle has a specific meaning, and by comparing it to a personal drawing, you can get a more accurate assessment.
What the scribble test can reveal about you
It is crucial to be aware that anxiety requires attention and proper monitoring. If not treated, it can negatively interfere with everyday life, fueling feelings of fear, apprehension and agitation, among others.
If anxiety is getting in the way of your daily routine, it's a good idea to seek professional advice for proper support.
By looking closely at the image and identifying which of the doodles most resembles your own way drawing, you can get an idea of your anxiety level, according to the principles of psychology.
Keep in mind that this test is a self-assessment tool only and is not a substitute for advice from a qualified professional.

1. doodle with circles
Indicates a lot of energy and stamina. You have difficulty switching off and often find yourself tense, with excessive worries taking up most of your time.
2. Straight or angled scribble
You are an organized, disciplined person, and you value structure and order in your life. However, this tendency can also lead to you feeling restricted and under pressure, especially when things don't go as planned.
3. “Sea wave” doodle
When identifying a doodle similar to figure number 3, it is revealed that you tend to have a more pessimistic view and negative of situations.
This posture can be the result of an incessant search for balance and tranquility, but which often seems to slip out of your hands.
4. dotted doodle
It is possible that you are prone to overthinking possible problems and anticipating negative situations, which can cause double suffering.
This excessive preoccupation with events that have not yet occurred can negatively affect your emotional health and well-being.
5. Doodle "Tic Tac Toe"
When observing a doodle with checkerboard patterns, it can indicate an ongoing search for deeper meaning in life.
You may find it difficult to feel completely satisfied with your achievements, always wanting more and constantly reaching for something beyond what you already have.
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