Powerful fertilizer with coffee grounds: The salvation to strengthen dying plants

Having a plant at home requires care and maintenance so that it is always beautiful and healthy. Therefore, their owners need to know homemade recipes and garden secrets that make all the difference.

One of the best ingredients to guarantee a powerful fertilizer it's coffee grounds. With a simple and quick recipe, you can offer more vitality to flowers and roots.

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Coffee grounds, that dark, damp powder that remains after preparing a delicious cup of coffee, is extremely beneficial for your plants.

Instead of throwing it in the trash, it is possible to reuse it as a natural and effective fertilizer, which will bring several advantages for the growth and development of your little plants.

See this here and how to make the powerful recipe with coffee grounds!

5 Advantages of using coffee grounds as fertilizer

1. rich in nutrients

This input with coffee guarantees access to essential elements for the development and

strengthening of leaves, roots and stems. Plants receive nutrients such as: potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

2. soil improvement

Organic matter also acts on all components of the plant, including restoring the structure of the soil, helping to retain more water, which optimizes healthy growth and absorption of nutrients.

3. economic resource

Investing in the purchase of organic products is not cheap. If you can produce your recipes at home, you can at least cut back on garden produce.

4. Natural insect and pest repellent

The fourth benefit is that coffee works as an efficient homemade repellent, preventing pests from developing on plants and soil. Thus, you get rid of complicated situations with pests.

5. Less food waste

By adopting this recipe, you reuse food scraps that would otherwise go to waste. Therefore, it is a sustainable way to avoid chemicals and contribute to the environment.

(Image: Freepik/Playback)

Recipe: Homemade fertilizer with coffee grounds

To get all these advantages, you just need to prepare the simple recipe as below!

Necessary ingredients:

  • Water;

  • Coffee grounds;

  • Vegetable and fruit peels (except citrus);

  • Dry leaves.

Method of preparation:

  • First, collect all the husks, coffee grounds and dry leaves (also serves the remains of pruning plants);

  • Then mix everything in a container and add an amount of water that covers all items;

  • Choose a location so that this container can rest for two or three weeks;

  • After this period, you will have an organic and powerful fertilizer and you will be able to apply it to the plants, so they will have more nutrients and health.

As we repeat throughout the text, coffee grounds are a potent fertilizer for plants that need to be strengthened and revitalized. Thus, such a simple recipe is an efficient alternative to ensure renewed energy and recovered and more vibrant plants.

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