Food Safety: 4 Essential Tips for Every Cook

There are essential tips that every cook should follow when going to the kitchen to prepare something. Many diseases can be passed through food, due to viruses, bacteria or even pathogens that may be present in some food.

Therefore, it is necessary to guarantee a food safety, preparing food in the best way and with great care. Throughout this article you will be able to check out essential touches for cooking with care. Keep reading to meet them.

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Risks derived from lack of care in food preparation

Some examples of diseases that can be passed on in this way are: E. coli, giardia, salmonella and Campylobacter, which can have different symptoms, including fever and cramps. In more severe cases of foodborne illness these illnesses can end up leading to death.

Identifying an infected food is practically impossible, so it is very important to try to eat in reliable and safe places. And, in addition, remember that there are habits that home cooks can acquire to reduce the risk of having diseases such as those mentioned above.

Essential Habits Cooks Must Have

Now check out what must be done to avoid the inconveniences described above.

Check the expiry date of the food

Checking the expiry dates of food is something that should never be forgotten. Eating something spoiled can cause you to end up with an intestinal infection or poisoning, caused by bacteria. They can even cause abdominal pain, vomiting, chills, fever, diarrhea and in some cases can even lead to death.

Thoroughly clean all utensils

A cook should also keep his kitchen clean at all times. It is important to do this, as it helps prevent dirt from settling and insects from reaching possible food scraps.

Always wash your hands

Always washing your hands causes the elimination of bacteria that are present on our skin, interrupting the possibility of transmitting diseases.

Store food well

Storing food is something that helps fight waste, and when you keep food well preserved, you end up destroying bacteria and enzymes. Which will help to avoid illness and make the food stay good for longer.

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