Ageism, a social plague that compromises the future of Brazilian society

The so-called ageism (disrespect for a person's ability depending on age) is at the time of day discussions in society Brazilian market, which grow as the population ages and the labor market's need for more experienced people, ditto.

Unlike youth, which is not eternal, experience is here to stay. That said, the vibrant win of the Oscar, the highest award in cinema, by the sixty-year-old Michelle Yeoh, who did not miss the trip when she gave an emotional anti-agerism speech when receiving the coveted statuette. Unfortunately, most of the time, the shameful rejection of the younger ones (this one, yes, very archaic) prevails against those who, ignoring the passing of the years, university graduation.

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As in everything in life, education is the permanent solution to dispel the backwardness of the Tupiniquim citizenship level, although the initiative is not restricted only to the public sector or educational institutions, but perhaps starting with companies, having as a starting point for change the critical moment of the selection of job openings. job.

But the issue, in addition to being atavistic, is planetary, as attested by the worldwide Global Learner Survey, carried out last year by Pearson, in partnership with Morning Consult. When listening to 6 thousand women, in different countries (United States, United Kingdom, Brazil, Mexico and India, among others), the survey found that 74% of them admitted to having suffered discrimination when applying for a job work. Another 65% understand that this type of 'rancidity' has to be fought.

In the domestic field, the situation is repeated. According to a survey carried out by the job site Infojobs shows that 66% of professionals from the so-called 'generation X' (or that is, those born in the period between 1960 and 1979) feel that later generations put 'in doubt' the quality of their work.

Instead of 'making a difference', most employers end up being the 'vectors' of oppressive attitudes, disrespectful, when not, of devaluation and contempt before the abilities of those who deserve all consideration, except for some eastern countries, such as Japan, and look there.

Ageist stupidity, however, is not limited to professional boundaries, as it is patent in the arts, not sparing, not even the 'queen of pop' Madonna, a recent target of iniquity, when she snatched the highest award in music, the Grammy. Even more unacceptable was the attitude of the singer Sandy, who 'received' the age prejudice, which at 40 years old considered herself 'too old to be young'.

A path to revert such a 'debacle' begins ever in education, by promoting and facilitating the (re)entry of third-age students to school benches, given the finding that ageism needs to be discussed in depth, aiming, if possible, to obtain its eradication, in an intensity similar to or greater than the permanent campaign with the racism.

However, as reality imposes itself, despite the contrary, the World Health Organization (WHO) indicated that, by 2050, the population contingent in the 60s will triple in Brazil (doubling on the planet) years. Now, all that remains is to send a message to recruiters, young, mature or long-lived. Check it out, market, the grandparents who know (almost) everything are coming around!

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