4 Generous and Trustworthy Signs to Have as Friends

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Some people are kind and don't hesitate to do good to others. Due to their altruistic characteristics, those born in certain months of the year make up the group of generous signs, those who are honest in their actions and are empathetic when it comes to understanding others. Read on to find out what these signs are.

Generous and compassionate signs

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It is not common to find people who put the needs of others before their own. But, with people of the generous signs, this happens frequently and it is a reality in their lives.

Always concerned with doing good and helping those they love most, they spare no effort to provide support and assistance to their friends, partners or family members. See the list below to find out which are the 4 signs more generous than zodiac.


Considered one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac, Cancerians are givers by nature and go to great lengths to provide comfort to those in need, whether emotional or material. They take on the difficulties of loved ones and spare no efforts to resolve them.

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It may seem strange, but Capricorns are people who love to give of themselves and calm others down. When making decisions, they think first about the wishes of others and, even if an attitude is harmful to themselves, they don't think twice about choosing the easiest way to help others.


By knowing the value of trust, Libras can feel firsthand what it's like not to be able to count on anyone in difficult times. Thus, even when it comes at the expense of necessity, Libra people do not hesitate to let their plans go unnoticed. stand-by to make others happy.


Pisceans are known for their empathetic and sensitive behavior. Thus, they are able to see joy in helping others and doing good, even when it compromises their needs. They are compassionate and generous people.

So, surround yourself with people who will always be there for you in difficult times and who won't ask for anything in return.


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