Brazil and the green economy. green economy

According to the UNEP (United Nations Environment Program), the green economy can be defined as being "An economy that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcity."
so that there is a green economy, the increase in income and job vacancies must be stimulated by public and private investments that reduce pollution, increase energy efficiency and prevent loss of biodiversity. In this type of economy, development must maintain, improve and rebuild natural assets, seeing them as an asset. economic and as a source of benefits, especially for the low-income population, whose livelihood depends on nature.
The concept of green economy does not replace the concept of sustainable development, but currently there is growing recognition that achieving sustainability is based almost entirely on getting the right model of economy. Even though sustainability is a long-term goal, it is necessary for our economy to become greener in order for us to achieve that goal. For this economy to become real, public and private investments, technologies, public policies, government programs and market practices aimed at:

• Improvement of production processes;
• Increased efficiency with reduced use of natural resources;
• Decrease in greenhouse gas emissions;
• Transformation of waste from one process into inputs from others;
• Protection of water sources, responsible use of water, universalization of basic sanitation;
• Expansion of clean and renewable energy sources;
• Recovery and preservation of ecosystems;
• Mitigate the effects of climate change.
For the Brazilian Government, the green economy it must be inclusive, the economic, social and environmental sectors must be considered equally. For the Minister of Science and Technology Marco Antônio Raupp, “The green economy must promote the generation of jobs, innovation technology, science, social inclusion and the conservation of natural resources, and not be used as a pretext for imposition. For us, this issue of social inclusion and growth is fundamental”. Also according to the minister, the potential for biodiversity, social advances and the Brazilian energy matrix allow Brazil to make a quick and safe transition to the inclusive green economy.

By Paula Louredo
Graduated in Biology

Source: Brazil School -

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