Questions on Surrealism and Dadaism (with comments)

Surrealism and Dadaism were important movements in the history of art. That's why we've created exercises on the subject for you to test your knowledge.

At what historical moment did the Dadaist movement emerge?

A) Victorian era

B) Renaissance

C) World War I

D) Middle Ages

Answer explained

The correct answer is option C.

Dadaism, or Dada, emerged in the context of the First World War as a provocative movement and reflection on the horrors of war.

Which city became a relevant center of creation for the Dada movement, where artists such as Hans Arp and Tristan Tzara remained active?

A) Paris, France.

B) Madrid, Spain.

C) New York, USA.

D) Zurich, Switzerland.

E) Arles, France.

Answer explained

The correct answer is option D.

Zurich, Switzerland, was the city where the Dadaist movement began, more precisely in a place called Cabaret Voltaire, in 1916.

In the 20th century, there was an artistic avant-garde that stood out for its challenging and provocative, bringing reflections on what is logical and rational in a context marked by great conflicts. What avant-garde was this?

A) Futurism

B) Cubism

C) Surrealism

D) Dadaism

E) impressionism

Answer explained

The correct answer is option D.

The Dadaist movement was created by a group of artists aware of the contradictions and major transformations of their time.

Thus, they sought through art to highlight the absurd and illogical atmosphere in which they were inserted, often using irony and humor for this.

The "ready-mades" were works of art that stood out in the history of art.

A famous ready-made example is "The Fountain", a urinal placed in a gallery in 1917 that gained art status. This work, signed by Duchamp, was the brainchild of Dadaist artist Elsa Hildegard.

About this type of art, it is correct to say:

A) "Ready-mades" are works sculpted by artists and placed in museums with the intention of imitating everyday objects.

B) One of the objectives of the ready-mades was to broaden the concept of art, provoking the norms in force and encouraging the public to reflect and question how they see common everyday objects day.

C) The ready-made is a type of art that had already been explored before. Thus, the Dadaists were inspired by the processes of other artists and only brought the same idea in a different guise, which did not bring great creative innovations.

D) The use of ready-mades in the early 20th century represented an attitude in favor of art, reaffirming traditions and valuing renowned artists.

Answer explained

The correct answer is option B.

Ready-mades were an innovative way of bringing questions to the artistic world. By re-signifying "ready-made" objects, the artists encouraged the public to think beyond everyday life, stimulating a philosophical and reflective posture.

The avant-garde movements Surrealism and Dadaism had a close relationship and similar characteristics. However, some differences are noted. One of them is:

The surrealist movement used the unconscious and more subjective questions of individuals as a creative tool. The Dada movement used absurdity and incoherence to question society more broadly.

Dadaism was concerned with objective aspects of society, bringing technology and progress as a form of emancipation. Surrealism, on the other hand, had the intention of painting the dreams of each artist to value reality.

While the Dada movement sought to fragment the image and reframe reality, Surrealism sought a realistic aesthetic based on everyday life.

Surrealism emerged many years before Dadaism, bringing a simple and geometric aesthetic. In the Dada movement, the aim was to regain an atmosphere of dreaminess and illogical character.

Answer explained

The correct answer is option A.

Surrealist artists explored the unconscious in their creative processes, valuing human beings in their psychological aspects. In Dadaism, the questions were more focused on the absurdities of war, inequality and social injustices.

Which of these works is considered an icon of the Surrealist movement?

A) Les Demoiselles dʼAvignon

B) The starry night

C) the dance

D) the persistence of memory

e) the scream

Answer explained

The correct answer is option D.

The persistence of memory, created by Salvador Dalí in 1931, is a classic example of a surrealist work.

Important names in the Surrealist movement are:

A) Pablo Picasso, Edgar Degas and Salvador Dali

B) Claude Monet, Remedios Varo and Pissarro

C) Salvador Dalí, Remedios Varo and René Magritte

D) Max Ernst, Joan Miró and Berthe Morisot

E) August Renoir, Alfred Sisley and René Magritte

Answer explained

The correct answer is option C.

The aforementioned artists were important in the surrealist movement, Salvador Dalí was Spanish, Remedios Varo was a Spaniard who lived in Mexico and René Magritte was Belgian.

In Brazil, the European vanguards also influenced the artistic scene. Surrealism was one of those trends that played an important role for some artists. We can cite as a national work with a strong surrealist influence:

A) The Fool, by Anita Malfatti

B) The boy, by Arthur Timótheo da Costa

C) Desire for Love, by Ismael Nery

D) Samba, by Di Cavalcanti

Answer explained

The correct answer is option C.

Ismael Nery was an artist born in Belém who developed a painting with a strong surrealist influence. love wish is one of his canvases, painted in 1932.

With regard to representation in surrealist works, what characteristic stands out the most when analyzing human figures in relation to the whole?

A) Concern with the anatomy and proportions of bodies.

B) Combination of real and imagined elements in the composition of fantasy scenes.

C) Emphasis on colors to the detriment of shape, abstracting bodies and objects.

D) Realistic representation of the world and people, producing images where light is highlighted.

Answer explained

The correct answer is option B.

The representation of bodies and objects gained a new atmosphere when combined with fantasy scenes, where imagination has a prominent place.

About the "cadavre exquis" method of creation, developed by the surrealists, we can say:

A) It was a technique of collage of objects on the canvas, such as newspapers, magazines and other everyday elements.

B) It was a way of painting that valued bright and extravagant colors, uniting texture and form.

C) It was a method applied in sculpture, where artists produced large pieces in marble.

D) It was a technique of collective creation, in which artists created a single work together without having access to what the colleague had previously created.

Answer explained

Correct answer is option D.

O cadavre exquis was one of the methods created in surrealism and proposed a joint production, generating an unexpected result.

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