Exercises on the Week of Modern Art

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The Modern Art Week was an important event in Brazilian culture.

As it is a recurring theme in tests and exams, we have prepared some questions for you to test your knowledge.

The Modern Art Week, which took place in 1922, became a milestone in the history of Brazilian art. His main motivation was:

A) To value the artistic manifestations that had been made until then by Brazilian society, such as Parnassianism and art nouveau.

B) Disseminate European culture in Latin America, especially in Brazil.

C) Seek artistic and literary renewal in Brazil, creating art inspired by the European avant-garde.

D) Criticize the Brazilian elite and its cultural policies.

Answer explained

The artists who took part in Semana de 22 had the intention of bringing other references to Brazilian culture. Many of them had studied in Europe and were influenced by the artistic vanguards that took place there. Thus, they began to create a type of art more in line with these trends, but dealing with national themes, in a quest to create their own art.

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About the historical moment that Brazil was going through at the time of the Modern Art Week, we can say:

A) Brazil was experiencing a period of economic growth and industrialization, with a policy that prioritized social issues and the eradication of labor exploitation.

B) Still a colony of Portugal, Brazil sought industrialization in the midst of a coffee oligarchy.

C) It was the centenary of the country's independence. The world was going through the post-war period and Brazil was experiencing the "coffee with milk" policy.

D) Brazil was going through a coup d'état that deposed Washington Luis and prevented the elected president, Julio Prestes, from taking office.

Answer explained

In 1922 it was one hundred years since Brazil had gained independence from Portugal. It was called the Old Republic, commanded by Minas Gerais and São Paulo (coffee with milk policy).

The Modern Art Week poster and catalog was produced by one of the people who idealized the event. With striking aesthetics for the time, it features letters with innovative typography and the colors red and black highlighted. Who was the author of the poster and catalogue?

Poster and catalog of the Week of 22

A) Anita Malfatti

B) Di Cavalcanti

C) Victor Brecheret

D) Oswald de Andrade

Answer explained

Emiliano Di Cavalcanti made the poster and catalog for the Week of 22. He was also one of the creators of the event, along with Oswald de Andrade and Mario de Andrade.

On the second day of the event, the poem “Os sapos” by Manuel Bandeira was recited by Ronald de Carvalho. Check out an excerpt from the poem:

"The Cooper Toad,

watery Parnassian,

It says: - "My songbook

It is well hammered.

See how cousin

On eating the gaps!

What art! And I never rhyme

The cognate terms."

What was the poem in question about?

A) A tribute to the Parnassian poets.

B) An ironic critique of Parnassian poetry.

C) An exaltation of the Portuguese language spoken in Brazil.

D) A reflection on the human condition in the current society.

Answer explained

This poem became known as a provocation to the Parnassians. The public did not like the criticism and reacted with boos.

The Week of 22 proposals were criticized by the press and the public. What was the name of the personality who opposed the event and who had already disapproved of Anita Malfatti's exhibition in 1917?

A) Grace Spider

B) Alfredo Volpi

C) Monteiro Lobato

D) Gracialiano Ramos

Answer explained

Writer Monteiro Lobato, who had already criticized Anita Malfatti in an article about her exhibition, was also opposed to the Modern Art Week, helping with the negative repercussions of the modernist movement.

The 22nd Week gave rise to various movements, magazines and artistic trends, such as Revista Klaxon, Movimento Pau-Brasil and Movimento Antropofágico, which came a few years later.

In the 60s and 70s, another movement that was influenced by modernist ideas, in addition to other inspirations, was:

A) Baroque movement

B) Yellow-green movement

C) Expressionism

D) Tropicalism

Answer explained

Tropicália emerged at the end of the 60s and was an innovative artistic experience that sought, among other things, consolidate an authentic Brazilian aesthetic, as well as the artists who idealized the Week from 22.

It developed mainly in music and had Caetano Veloso, Gilberto Gil, Tom Zé, Gal Costa, Mutantes and other musicians as icons.

We can mention as outstanding artists who participated in the Week of 22:

A) Di Cavalcanti, Eliseu Visconti, Tarsila do Amaral and Guiomar Novaes

B) Tarsila do Amaral, Oswald de Andrade, Mario de Andrade and Anita Malfatti

C) Anita Malfatti, Heitor Villa-Lobos, Mario de Andrade and Menotti Del Picchia

D) Menotti Del Picchia, Di Cavalcanti, Lasar Segal and Tarsila do Amaral

Answer explained

Some alternatives bear the name of Tarsila do Amaral, who was in fact important in the first generation of modernism. However, at the time of the Week she was in Paris and did not participate in the event.

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