Protect Your Security: Avoid Googling THESE Things

Nowadays it is possible to observe that we have a great facility in doing research in the Internet, Is not it? With this, we can have access to a lot of information and data at any time we want.

Research sites are increasingly known for bringing efficient and quick answers to us, eliminating all doubts and bringing a lot of information.

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But there are some things you shouldn't Google to stay safe, and we'll talk about those next. Follow!

Do not research on diagnosis or symptoms of diseases

Even though many people have this custom, it is not interesting to search for information about the diagnosis and symptoms of some diseases on the internet.

This is because the researcher obtains information according to his profile on the platform, causing advertisements to be sent on the subject.

In addition, it is also common for the results of researches

are not precise about the disease, after all, it can be related to several health factors, and therefore it is better to seek guidance from a doctor.

Do not search for suspicious terms

Many Google users already know that it is not recommended to search for suspicious or compromising words, as this can lead to their searches being related to crimes. Some terms like drugs, for example, should be avoided.

Do not give your detailed information

It is not allowed to put your personal data, such as RG and CPF, in the search bars of the sites, in order to bring you more security.

Some information about your location should also not be shared or searched on the internet, so that no one has access to it improperly.

Such data may even be requested on some pages, if you have to register, but cannot be shared by companies, nor be exposed for other people to get steal them.

(Image: Disclosure)

Browse securely

The biggest search engine today is Google, which is why more than 100 billion searches are performed on it every month around the world.

This search engine has revolutionized the way information is accessed by users, and many companies end up paying a certain amount to appear in the first searches performed.

Even if this makes our lives easier, there are some details that must be observed so that your safety is not at risk. Worrying about privacy and data protection is something very relevant today.

This is because the search algorithm and cookies can market your information to companies that sell certain products or services, meaning that not all of your searches are private.

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