Adverbs of inclusion: when are they used?

 You adverbs of inclusion are one of several types of adverb and affect the meaning of a verbal action, an adjective or an adverb, conveying the idea of ​​inclusion, the addition of an element. They are classified like this according to a context, so it is necessary to understand well when the word fulfills this function or not.

Read too: Demonstrative pronouns — the pronouns that serve to situate beings in time or space

Topics of this article

  • 1 - Summary of adverbs of inclusion
  • 2 - What are the adverbs of inclusion?
  • 3 - Adverbs of inclusion in sentences
  • 4 - Differences between adverbs of inclusion and adverbs of exclusion
  • 5 - Other types of adverbs

Summary of adverbs of inclusion

  • The adverb of inclusion is used to indicate a circumstance of addition, of inclusion of an element.

  • These adverbs modify or add meaning to a verbal action, an adjective or an adverb.

  • Some adverbs of inclusion are: “also”, “including”, “besides”, among others.

  • Unlike adverbs of inclusion, adverbs of exclusion are used to indicate the exclusion of an element with the idea of ​​exception.

  • In addition to adverbs of inclusion and exclusion, there are also adverbs of time, place, manner, intensity, affirmation, negation, doubt, order and interrogatives.

What are adverbs of inclusion?

The adverbs of inclusion arethe adverbs used to indicate the idea of ​​inclusion, of adding an element. Like all adverbs, they modify or add meaning to a verbal action, to a adjective or an adverb. Some common examples of adverbs of inclusion are: “also”, “including”, “in addition”, “until” and “same”.

Although, it is necessary to observe the context in which these words and expressions are used, to make sure they are fulfilling the function of an adverb of inclusion. Therefore, it is not always that these words can automatically be classified as adverbs of inclusion.

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Adverbs of inclusion in sentences

See some examples of sentences with adverbs of inclusion below.

Mme cousin also go with us.

She studies a lot. Including, got the highest grade in the room!

I didn't get your message... in addition, I was very busy and I couldn't look at my cell phone.

He is intelligent, companion and until beautiful!

Same Talking a lot, you did well on the test.

See too: Abstract noun — the noun that has no physical and concrete existence of its own

Differences between adverbs of inclusion and adverbs of exclusion

Unlike adverbs of inclusion, which convey the idea of ​​adding an element, exclusion adverbs serve to exclude an element, conveying the idea of ​​exception. Some exclusionary adverbs are: “only”, “only”, and “only”.

See the difference in the examples below:

  • Adverb of inclusion: He knows how to do many things, until To cook well!

  • Adverb of exclusion: He knows just frying egg...

Other types of adverbs

In addition to inclusion and exclusion adverbs, there are several other types of adverbs to modify or add meaning to a verbal action, an adjective or an adverb. Are they:

  • adverb of place;

  • adverb of time;

  • mode adverb;

  • adverb of intensity;

  • adverb of affirmation;

  • negation adverb;

  • adverb of doubt;

  • adverb of order;

  • interrogative adverb.

By Guilherme Viana
Portuguese teacher 

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VIANA, William. "Adverbs of inclusion"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 17, 2023.

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