Weekly menu suggestion for the school lunch box

We know what to offer healthy food for children is not always an easy task. In addition to being very difficult for some to eat fruits and vegetables, we still have the challenge of varying these snacks so that the little ones don't get sick of eating the same thing over and over again. To assist in this task, I created a weekly menu suggestion.

Also access:Find out how food interferes with studies

Weekly menu

On the menu, I gave suggestions for some foods, but you can change and/or adapt according to likes and the Ingredients that you already have at home. Anyway, to make it easier, I've also put together a list of ingredients you'll need if you're going to follow the menu to the letter.

  • Monday

Snack suggestion for Monday

The suggestion for the Monday snack is with:

  • Bread with cottage cheese and cheese
  • Mango
  • Milk

To make the snack more healthy and natural, follow the recipe for oat bread, which is homemade, has no preservatives or artificial additives that are harmful to health.

  • Oat Bread Recipe

(Recommended age: from 1 year.)


1 and 1/4 cup of water (can be milk)
2 tablespoons of butter
1/2 teaspoon of salt
2 cups of wheat flour
1 cup of whole wheat flour
1/2 cup of rolled oats
2 tablespoons of brown sugar
1 and 1/2 teaspoon of granulated dry biological yeast

Preparation mode

Mix all the ingredients, knead the dough and let it rest until it doubles in size. Shape the rolls, place on the greased baking sheet and let it rise again.

Bake at 180ºC until golden.


- 240 ml measuring cup.

Read too:See These Tips To Avoid Food Poisoning

  • Tuesday

Suggestion of snack for tuesday

Tuesday's lunch box was set up with:

  • cocoa cookie
  • Tangerine
  • carrots
  • Curd cheese (I cut with the cutter and then browned in the pan)
  • Water

See below the recipe for the cocoa cake:

  • Egg-free Cocoa Dumpling Recipe

(Recommended age: from 2 years old, because it contains sugar.)


1 cup of whole wheat flour (or gluten free oats)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 medium banana
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/4 cup of oil
1/2 cup of warm water
1/2 tablespoon of yeast

Preparation mode

In a bowl, place all dry ingredients. Beat the water, oil and banana in a blender and then mix with the other ingredients.

Place in the molds and bake in a low oven at 180ºC.


- 200 ml measuring cup;

- Makes 6 cupcakes in standard size;

- It is very good to add grated coconut to the dough;

- To make it with an egg, just double the recipe, remove the banana and place an egg.

  • Wednesday

Wednesday snack suggestion

On Wednesday, the snack can consist of:

  • organic rice biscuit
  • homemade strawberry jam
  • Apple
  • chestnuts
  • Milk

Recommendations for making the jelly

For this jam, I used strawberries that I had frozen. I took it from the freezer and took it straight to the pan. If you use fresh strawberries, just chop them roughly and place them in the pan over low heat and stir until the point of marmalade is reached. This time, just before stitching, I added a tablespoon of honey. For the amount of jelly, it was very little, but you can use sugar or honey to taste, or not at all, just do it with strawberries, even though it is also delicious.

I have done it in the pressure cooker in simmering mode. It's been very practical. In 30 minutes, the jelly is ready and I just start to stir it, having to stay in front of the pan for the last five minutes. On the stove, you have to keep stirring much more often and take care not to burn, even on low heat.

  • Thursday

Suggestion of snack for Thursday

The Thursday snack can be with:

  • pan cheese bread
  • Banana
  • Whipped milk with strawberries
  • Frying Pan Cheese Bread Recipe

(Recommended age: from 1 year.)


1 egg
4 tablespoons of tapioca gum (or powder)
2 tablespoons of curd
salt to taste

Preparation mode:

Mix everything together and place in a small skillet so that it becomes thick and has a cheese bread texture. When browned on one side, turn and brown on the other.


Tapioca gum can be replaced by the manioc flour of your choice.
I like to add grated Parmesan cheese, oregano, chia and/or amaranth and I don't add salt. It can be made in the waffle maker.

  • Friday

Friday suggestion

To end the week well, the snack suggestion is:

  • orange muffin
  • Pear
  • Tomatoes*
  • Milk

*For children under 5 years of age, the tomatoes must be cut lengthwise to avoid choking.

  • orange cake recipe

(Recommended age: 2 years, because it contains sugar.)

1 well-peeled orange (I used the bay orange)
1 cup of wheat flour (you can use 1/2 whole and 1/2 white)
1/2 cup of sugar
1/4 cup of oil
1/2 tablespoon of yeast
1 egg

Preparation mode
Peel the orange well, remove all whites and seeds.
Beat the orange, oil, egg and sugar in a blender and then mix with the flour and yeast.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180ºC for about 30 minutes (take the toothpick test).
Makes 12 standard cupcake size cupcakes.

I always try to think of the week's snacks with 3 snacks and 2 sweets. Usually, they are usually sweet on Tuesdays and Fridays. The week I ship popcorn on Friday, I ship the candy on Thursday. I think that a candy on Friday can only be substituted for popcorn, which goes very well with Friday.

Read too:Discover the food pyramid

List of ingredients for this weekly menu

Ingredients fruit dairy Optional
 Raw sugar
(1/2 cup)
 Palmer sleeve
(1 unit)
 Milk  cashew nuts
 Brown sugar
(3/4 cup)
 Tangerine  rennet cheese  sugar free jelly
 oat flakes
(1/2 cup)
 tomatoes  Honey
 rice biscuit  baby carrots
(1/4 cup)
(2 units)
 white wheat flour
(3 cups)
 whole wheat flour
(2 cups)
 Dry biological yeast
(for breads)
 chemical yeast  bay orange
 tapioca gum
(4 tablespoons)
(2 tablespoons)
(1/2 cup)
(2 units)
 Cream cheese
(2 tablespoons)

*To download the ingredients list in PDF, Click here.

** To download the menu in PDF, Click here.


- I suggest the Palmer mango because, besides being sweeter, it has less lint.

- If you choose to buy the ready-made jelly, give preference to those that are 100% fruit.

- Honey is only for those who want to sweeten the jelly with it.

- The orange-bay gives more flavor, but it can also be made with any other.

These two lists (menu and ingredients list) are tips to make your day-to-day and house organization easier. With them, the time to organize purchases becomes more practical and you end up saving, as you won't buy things that you won't use and that could spoil.

I hope you liked the tips!

By Carolina Godinho

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/sugestao-cardapio-semanal-para-lancheira-escolar.htm

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