Thanksgiving Day

O day of Ation of thanks (in English, thanksgiving Day) is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the U.S. The date, which is not linked to any religion, is celebrated by all Americans.

On Thanksgiving Day, families come together to express gratitude for the achievements made during the year and also reflect on the importance of that gratitude. Often, friends also attend the meetings. Thanksgiving is the most important holiday of the year in the United States. For some Americans, that day is more meaningful than Christmas.

Read too: Halloween—another major American holiday

Topics of this article

  • 1 - History of Thanksgiving Day
  • 2 - Thanksgiving Holiday
  • 3 - How is Thanksgiving celebrated?
  • 4 - Thanksgiving Day Foods
  • 5 - Trivia about Thanksgiving Day

History of Thanksgiving Day

The History of Thanksgiving Daystarted in the year 1621, in the state of Massachusetts, in the northeast region of the United States. The country was formerly called the New World by immigrants who came from England.

According to studies, that year some pilgrims of European country did not succeed in growing crops in the first year In the USA, especially because of the intense winter. As a result, some of these immigrants ended up dying from lack of food and the cold.

However, in spring and not fall of the following year, the pilgrims managed to improve their lives after receiving tips of theindigenous natives of the region, the Wampanoag. These peoples showed the pilgrims the right way to plant for the best crops, especially corn and squash, and how best to fish and hunt.

Representation of the first Thanksgiving Day in the United States.
The image above represents the first celebration of the date.

Thanksgiving Day or Thanksgiving Day emerged as a thank you by the fact that the immigrants have been successful in harvesting It is in the hunts. To give thanks for the teachings of the Wampanoag peoples, Europeans held feasts for three days.

The first Thanksgiving party featured a lot of food. At the event, roast venison and turkey meat were served. On the occasion, dishes based on corn and pumpkin were made.

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Thanksgiving Holiday

The Thanksgiving Holiday was defined in 1863 by the then president of the United States, Abraham Lincoln. He determined that the holiday would officially take place on the last Thursday of November.

The national holiday was proclaimed as a way to soften the effects of the Civil War that the USA was going through at the time, known as Civil War. This conflict took place between the northern and southern regions of the country.

In 1941, the then President of the United States, Franklin D. Roosevelt, signed a bill officially defining the fourth Thursday of November such as Thanksgiving Day. The project was approved by the US Congress.

How is Thanksgiving celebrated?

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated the same way in most homes across the United States. as it is a holiday family members who live in other cities often go to their parents' or grandparents' houses to celebrate, give thanks and spend time together.

On Thanksgiving Day, families gather at lunch or dinner to celebrate the date with hearty food. somethingsome families say prayers as a form of thanks, but, as Thanksgiving Day is not a religious date, praying is not an obligatory act.

Thanksgiving Day Foods

Table filled with food symbols of Thanksgiving Day (Thanksgiving Day).
Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the United States with a table full of food.

Foods are important symbols of the Day of Actions thanksgiving. Usually, Americans hold a feast on that date, precisely to remember the history of Thanksgiving Day, which is to thank for the abundant harvest.

Thanksgiving meals and traditions vary from family to family, but in general Americans hold parties or dinners to enjoy food together.

See below the main foods on Thanksgiving Day:

  • Peru: the bird is served roasted, in the same way as it is done in Brazil at the supper of Christmas.

  • Pumpkin: the vegetable normally serves as a filling for sweet pies (pumpkin pie).

  • Corn: the cereal can be served roasted with the turkey or be the main ingredient in a custard.

  • Potatoes: the tuber is made in the form of a puree.

  • Cranberry: the fruit is the basis for jellies or sweet and sour sauces.

  • Nuts: nuts are part of fillings for cakes and pies.

  • Apples: some bake apple pies (apple pie) on the day of the event.

See too: New Year or New Year's Eve — the celebration of the passage from the 31st of December to the 1st of January

Facts about Thanksgiving

Macy's parade in New York, one of the most famous parades that take place on Thanksgiving Day.
Macy's parade in New York, one of the most famous parades that take place on Thanksgiving Day. [1]
  • On Thanksgiving Day parties, it is common for North Americans to decorate their homes with corn, especially the door and the table. The grain is a symbol of the bountiful harvest, which is why Thanksgiving Day was created.

  • As the story goes, every year the President of the United States has the task of “pardoning” two turkeys from being roasted. Tradition dictates that the politician should free the birds.

  • Since 1920, the National Football League (NFL), the national football league, holds games on Thanksgiving Day. Many families take advantage of the holiday to watch the match together.

  • On Thanksgiving Day, parades are held in various places across the United States. At events, North Americans tend to dress like the first immigrants who came from Europe. One of the most famous Thanksgiving Day parades is the Macy's parade in New York.

  • On Thanksgiving Day, in New York, there is a parade in which the PSanta Claus appears announcing the start of the Christmas season in the country.

  • Thanksgiving Day in Brazil was defined in 1949 by then President Eurico Gaspar Dutra, through a law. However, the commemorative date was not adopted by Brazilians. Thanksgiving Day is only celebrated in Brazil by US companies, English schools and US immigrant families.

  • Other countries in the world, such as Canada, Germany It is Netherlands, celebrate Thanksgiving on other dates and with traditions different from those adopted in the United States.

  • A sexta-feira Negra occurs on the Friday following Thanksgiving. Black Friday, or Black Friday, is a day when US retailers hold promotions to attract buyers and end stocks before starting sales for Christmas.

image credit

[1] gary718 / Shutterstock

By Silvia Tancredi

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

TANCREDI, Silvia. "Thanksgiving Day"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 03, 2023.

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