La división silábica: the syllabic division in Spanish

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A division sillabic (in Spanish, theredivision syllabic) is the process of decomposing a word into the different sound units that compose it, in which there is at least one vowel and one or more consonants. These rules follow a phonetic logic — the sounds of speech — rather than a morphological one — the structure, classification and formation of words. In this article, you will learn the rules for syllable separation of words in Spanish language.

Read too: Elalphabet — the alphabet in spanish

What are the rules for syllabic division in Spanish?

To make syllabic separation in Spanish, you must follow some rules. See each of them below.

  • Every syllable must have a vowel, and it alone can be a syllable too:

honey (honey) – 1 syllable

kiss (kiss) – 2 syllables

staff (personal) – 3 syllables

marriage (marriage, couple) – 4 syllables

simply (simply) – 5 syllables

  • If a consonant is between two vowels, it is on the syllable of the following vowel:

Allah – a-la (wing)

love - love love)

aorta – a-or-ta (aorta)

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  • When there are two consonants in a row (pr, dr, br, cr, fr, gr, kr, tr, fl, kl, cl, bl, pl, gl and ch), they remain in the same syllable as the vowel that follows them:

drama – drama (drama)

pipe – ca-chi-to (little piece)

pueblo – pue-blo (town, people)

  • The geminate — double — consonants (rr, ll) correspond to a single sound and are therefore considered as a single consonant:

it rains – llu-via (rain)

dog – pe-rro (dog)

street – ca-lle (street)

  • the syllables who, who, who, who correspond to a single sound:

war – war (war)

penguin –pin-gui-no (penguin)

cheese – que-so (cheese)

kimono – chi-mo-no (kimono)

  • When a consonant is between two vowels, the first joins the preceding vowel and the second joins the following:

observation – ob-ser-va-ción (observation)

intensity – in-ten-si-dad (intensity)

  • If there are three consonants, the first two are on the syllable of the first vowel:

constancy – cons-tan-cia (constancy, police report)

However, if the middle consonant is p, b, c, g, t or d and the last one is l or r, the rule is inverted: the first consonant is in the syllable of the first vowel and the others, in the following syllable:

sadden – en-tris-te-cer (sadden)

enclave – en-cla-ve (enclave)

  • When there are four consonants between vowels, the first two join the preceding vowel, and the last two the following:

inscribe – ins-cri-bir (inscribe)

obstruction – obs-truc-ción (obstruction)

  • If the letter H is interspersed, we must pay attention.

→ The letter H can be between vowels that form a syllable:

prohibition – pro-hi-bi-ción (prohibition)

→ If the letter H is between vowels that do not form a syllable, it takes the following syllable:

buho – bu-ho (owl)

→ If the letter H goes after a consonant, they are placed in different syllables:

inhale – in-ha-lar (inhale)

inhuman – in-hu-ma-no (inhuman)

  • When there are two or more vowels in a row, we must pay attention to their classification as diphthong, triphthong or hiatus:

→ The vowels stay together if they form a diphthong — the joining of two weak vowels (i, u), a strong vowel (the, and, the) and a weak vowel (i, o) or vice versa (one weak and one strong).

caution – caution her (caution)

boredom – fa-ti-dia (annoys, bothers)

→ The vowels also stick together if they form a triphthong — a weak vowel between two strong vowels:

current – ac-tuáis (act – you)

→ Vowels are separated if they form a hiatus:

air – a-é-reo (aerial)

venia – ve-ní-a (vineyard)

See too: Los heterogenéricos y heterotônicos en español

Solved exercises on syllabic division in Spanish (the syllabic division)

question 1

Separate the syllables from each word that follows:

A) gypsy

B) rush

C) hallar

D) help

E) aguileña


A) gi-ta-no

B) a-pre-su-rar

C) ha-llar

D) so-co-rro

E) a-gui-le-ña

question 2

Separate the syllables from each word that follows:

A) jail

B) gymnastics

C) secretariat

D) secretary

E) good luck


A) car-cell

B) gin-na-sia

C) se-cre-ta-ria

D) se-cre-ta-rí-a

E) a-za-har

By Renata Martins Gornattes
Spanish teacher 

Source: Brazil School -
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