Literacy Brazil Survey: check the results!

A Literacy Brazil survey was released this Wednesday (31) by the Ministry of Education (MEC) and the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep).

The survey was carried out in April and May of this year with professors and specialists. The objective was to identify the set of skills that define whether or not a child is literate.

In this sense, skills were presented that characterize the learning profile of reading and writing that is expected at the end of the second year of elementary school.

With this, the study contributes to the promotion of policies for assessing children's literacy in Brazil.

Read too:On September 8th, World Literacy Day is celebrated, learn more about the social importance of literacy

Brazil Literacy Survey

The Alfabetiza Brasil survey presents a cutoff score for the Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb) test applied in the 2nd year of elementary school.

Note 743 of the Saeb represents then the minimum that the student can reach to be considered literate.

The survey showed a comparison of the number of children considered literate according to the performances achieved in the 2019 and 2021 editions of Saeb. Look:

Graph of the literate percentage in 2019 and 2022 according to Saeb grades
Percentage of literate and non-literate people according to Saeb grades for 2019 and 2021.
Credit: Disclosure / MEC and Inep.

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

According to the survey, the literate student, who achieves from 743 points on the Saeb, is able to:

  • Read words, phrases and short texts;

  • Locate information on the textual surface;

  • Produce basic inferences based on the articulation between verbal and non-verbal text, such as comic strips and comics;

  • Orthographically write words with direct regularities between phonemes and letters;

  • Write texts that circulate in everyday life, even with spelling or segmentation deviations.

The event to publicize the results of the Alfabetiza Brasil Survey was held on the morning of this Wednesday (31). Watch the broadcast:

Find out more information about the Alfabetiza Brasil Survey in this page.

image credit:

[1] Luís Fortes / Ministry of Education (MEC)

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