Iara: get to know Artificial Intelligence in Brazil School

A Iara, Artificial Intelligence Automated Copywriter, is the Artificial Intelligence (AI) system of Brasil Escola. It is capable of correcting essays and answering different types of questions quickly and, best of all, completely free of charge.

It can be accessed directly on the Brasil Escola website. Users can use the system through the Tire Dúvidas page or through the Writing Bank.

Iara was developed using a natural language model based on neural networks, GPT 3.5. this technology is part of the field of Artificial Intelligence and is capable of generating coherent texts, as if they were written by human beings. humans.

essay correction

The correction of essays by Iara is done automatically and according to the Exam correction standard National High School (Enem), that is, it presents students with text correction following the five skills assessed by the exam.

The submission of essays for Iara to make the correction will be done in the Brazil School Newsroom. On this page, users already have the possibility to send their texts to be corrected by a specialized professional from our team.

The advantage of correction by Iara is having the feedback with the note in less than a minute! With this, students will have the opportunity to have quick access to the correction and optimize the study process.

Below is an example of an essay on the impact of electronic games on children's lives sent by the Bank of Writings and corrected by Iara below:

Essay submission page at the Brazil Essay Bank Escola Vestibular
Page shows field in which the student writes an essay to send via the Brasil Escola Writing Bank.

Check below the page where the user can send, by clicking on the orange button, his essay to the correction by the Brasil Escola team and the location for requesting correction by Iara, in the color button green.

Page for choosing how to send the essay in Brasil Escola
Brasil Escola's Writing Bank page shows options for sending the text for correction.

Iara will present the correction of the essay sent in less than a minute:

Writing correction made by Iara, the Artificial Intelligence of Brasil Escola
Writing correction by Iara.

How does the Brasil Escola Writing Bank work?

Brasil Escola's Writing Bank opens throughout the month three deadlines for submission of essays. Each deadline has a limit of 40 essaysfor each type of correction (team and Iara).

Remembering that each student can send only one essay per month and, if the team's essay limit is reached, it will not be possible to send it to Iara.

At student area, on the website of Brasil Escola Vestibular, it is possible to access the correction status of the essay sent by the Bank of Writings, in addition to the results of the simulations carried out on the website.

When the student sends the essay to Iara for correction, it will be possible to forward that same text to the professors to perform another essay evaluation. This process can also be done when the user first sends it to the team and wants the same text to be corrected by Iara.

The Brasil Escola team provides the correction of each essay, usually on the first working day of the following month.

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

ask questions 

OAsk questions about Brasil Escola It is a virtual space where users can submit their queries according to the content of the course. These questions can be answered by any user.

Now it will be possible to send the question so that Iara can answer. Iara's answer will be publicly available like other users' answers. Iara generates a response to different types of questions.

It is worth mentioning that, as soon as the user asks his question in the Take Doubts field, a disclaimer will be issued on Iara. Because it is a system still in the test version, the technology may provide inaccurate responses.

Page shows disclaimer about Iara, Artificial Intelligence do Brasil Escola
Disclaimer issued as soon as the user asks his question.

Check out Iara's response below when she was asked a summary of the First World War in 500 characters:

Answer from Iara, Artificial Intelligence do Brasil Escola
Example response from Iara, Artificial Intelligence from Brasil Escola.

Why Yara?

to yarais a well-known character in Brazilian folklore. Its name refers to an indigenous folkloric legend.

The name Iara is of Tupi origin and is a combination of two words: IG, which means "water", and iara, which means "lord". In this way, Iara is the lady of the waters.

As a result, naming the Artificial Intelligence of Brasil Escola after Iara reinforces the sense of Brazilianness and popular culture in the country.

Artificial intelligence and education

Professor Dr. Paulo Boa Sorte from the Federal University of Sergipe (UFS) coordinates a research group that studies the GPT.

In his perspective, this AI technology "makes us rethink concepts such as creativity, intellectual property and authorship". From this, the educator raises the discussion of attention to plafi, copyright and access to cultural goods with the use of AI tools such as GPT that is capable of generating texts.

Therefore, for Paulo, one of the great challenges of AI in education is precisely the ethical issue, which involves plagiarism and the dissemination of fake news.

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