Static electricity: what it is, examples, risks

A static electricity is a scientific phenomenon that happens when electrons flow between two different bodies that have been brought together or touched, generating an excess of negative electrical charges on the surface of one of the bodies, until they are discharged on an electrically charged body neutral.

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Topics of this article

  • 1 - Summary on static electricity
  • 2 - What is static electricity?
  • 3 - How does static electricity occur?
  • 4 - Examples of static electricity in everyday life
  • 5 - Risks of static electricity
  • 6 - How to discharge static electricity?

Summary about static electricity

  • Static electricity is an electrical phenomenon.
  • It happens more during the dry period of the year, since the dry air acts as an electrical insulator, trapping and accumulating electrons on the surface of the material.
  • One of the main examples of static electricity is the formation of lightning and lightning.
  • Static electricity can cause fires and explosions when excessive in environments with flammable materials.
  • Static electricity is discharged through grounding.
  • Static electricity can be prevented by increasing the humidity of the body and the environment.

What is static electricity?

Static electricity is a electrical phenomenon characterized by the accumulation of electrical charges on the surface or inside a body. It was first observed by the philosopher Thales of Miletus, who, when rubbing a piece of amber with an piece of sheepskin, noticed that it attracted dust particles, pieces of straw and fragments of wood.

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How does static electricity occur?

static electricity occurs by the transfer of electrical charges between two bodies made of different materials and amounts of electrical charges, generating a spark of static electricity, a shock.

The static electrical spark happens when the body that has excess of negative electrical charges (with force of stronger bond) approaches a body that has fewer negative electrical charges (with stronger bond strength weak). This excess ends up making the electrons jump from the least charged material to the most charged, remaining on its surface until discharged on the next electrically neutral body someone touches.

If this does not happen, these electrons will continue to accumulate on the surface until they reach a critical point and discharge in the form of a miniray. If, by chance, someone touches this charged surface, these electrons will flow to the person, causing a small shock that can be heard as a small pop and felt as a small pain. These sparks may be harmless to people, but for more sensitive devices, they can be fatal.

this phenomenon happens more when the air is dry, since it acts as an electrical insulator, generating an accumulation of electrons on the surface of the material, since it keeps them fixed on the surface with a stronger binding force.

Examples of static electricity in everyday life

Static electricity is very common in our daily lives, where we can observe it in the following situations:

  • In the stretching of the hair and hair strands when we bring them close to a charged television, cell phone or computer monitor.
  • In the noise of small cracks or in the visualization of small sparks in the threads of synthetic wool coats.
  • In the friction of planes and cars with the air during their movements.
  • No rubbing feet on carpet.
  • In the formation of lightning and lightning.

See too: 5 things you need about electricity

static electricity hazards

In general, handling electricity without proper care is extremely dangerous, mainly static electricity, which cannot be detected by sight, hearing and smell until it is too late and discharge has occurred.

If this discharge occurs in electricians of high voltage while they are handling an electricity pole, they may suffer a fall, injury or even death.

In addition, static electricity accumulated in environments with combustible dusts, gases and flammable materials can cause fires and explosions.

How to discharge static electricity?

The main way to discharge static electricity is through grounding, in which we connect the conductive object to the Earth, discharging its electrical charges.

There are also ways to decrease static electricity in our bodies and environments.. Therefore, it is recommended to wear cotton clothes, shoes with leather soles or shoes that dissipate static electricity; apply antistatic carpet spray; touching or rubbing metal objects to transfer electrical charges to them; stay hydrated, avoiding dry skin; keep houseplants and air humidifiers in dry places.

By Pamella Raphaella Melo
Physics Teacher

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MELO, Pamela Raphaella. "Static electricity"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on May 8, 2023.

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