Liz Truss resigns as UK Prime Minister

On the morning of this Thursday (20), the Prime Minister of UK, Liz Truss, resigned after 44 days* in office. She became the shortest serving prime minister in the country's history.

Her departure takes place in a context of strong pressure due to the economic plan that Liz presented. In it, the prime minister sought to encourage the economy from high tax cuts along with a billionaire loan to relieve public coffers.

The budget presented by her negatively impacted the financial markets causing a drop in the value of the pound (British currency).

The speech took place in front of Downing Street, which is the seat of the UK government.

I recognize that given the situation, I cannot hand over the mandate for which I was elected by the Conservative Party. I have therefore spoken to His Majesty the King to notify him that I am resigning as leader of the Conservative Party.

Liz Truss

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

The British will remain in office until it has a new representative. A new leader must be chosen by the Conservatives by the 28th of October.

Liz Truss was inaugurated on September 6, two days before the death of Queen Elizabeth II. She came in to replace Boris Johnson who resigned in July this year.

The shortest-term Prime Minister of the United Kingdom until then was that of George Canning, who died in August 1827. He spent 118 days in the British government.

By Lucas Afonso

Image credit:

Alexandros Michailidis | Shutterstock


* Source: Reuters.

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