Repealed ordinance on the opening of Medicine courses, understand

The Ministry of Education (MEC) revoked a government order Bolsonaro which brought new rules for opening courses in Medicine in Brazil.

The ordinance was published in the last hours of December 31st and among several points, the measure linked the approval of new vacancies to a description of the insertion plan of the Medicine course in the local network of health.

In addition, the ordinance also determined that higher education institutions allocate about 10% of gross revenue (from monthly fees) to the local network of the Unified Health System (SUS). The money should be earmarked for service infrastructure.

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The ordinance was revoked by the new Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, based on the "principle of prudence". Camilo also stated that a careful assessment of the measure must be made to guarantee the security of its terms.


For Estadão, the Brazilian Association of Higher Education Supporters (Abmes) stated that the repeal was consistent, since the authorizations for the Medicine course need to go through a protocol specific.

The Board of Medicine was against the decision, despite understanding the measure. The information is from Estadão.

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