Queen Elizabeth II: check out 10 fun facts about the monarch

Queen Elizabeth II, aged 96, died at Balmoral Castle in Scotland on Thursday. The monarch leaves behind a historic legacy for the UK after 70 years on the throne.

The announcement of his death was confirmed by the Royal Family this afternoon (8). A Operation London Bridge is underway, the protocol provides for all actions and procedures after the death of the queen.

Brasil Escola highlighted ten curiosities about Queen Elizabeth II.

1 - World War II

Queen Elizabeth II, aged 18, then Princess of the United Kingdom, contributed to the country in Second World War as a mechanic. Services were provided at the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service.

This same period was when Elizabeth II learned to drive and served in the conflict also as a driver.

2 - Fortune

Despite the unconfirmed value, the estimate is that the personal fortune of Queen Elizabeth II is $500 million or BRL 2.6 billion. The amount was determined by the US magazine Forbes.

The fortune refers to personal accessories, two castles, as well as the monarch's investments. The magazine also disclosed that the assets of the British Crown reach US$ 28 billion, which represents R$146.2 billion.

3 - Longest reign of the United Kingdom

In September 2015, Elizabeth II's reign became the longest in UK history. At the time, she completed 63 years and 216 days on the throne.

Her reign completed 70 years last June 2nd.

Read too:British line of succession

4 - Visit to Brazil

On the only visit to Brazil In 1968, aged 42, Queen Elizabeth II won two jaguars and two sloths in the city of Brasilia. The animals were taken to the London Zoo.

In Rio de Janeiro, she accompanied a soccer game at the Maracanã stadium, where she delivered the trophy to the players. Skin and Gerson.

Photo of Queen Elizabeth II and soccer player Pelé.
Moment of the trophy delivery to the player Pelé by Queen Elizabeth II.
Image Credit: Reproduction / Agência Estado Archive

The trip lasted 12 days. In São Paulo, the monarch was present at the inauguration of the current building of the São Paulo Museum of Art (MASP) and visited the Ipiranga Museum.

5 - Use of the internet

On a visit to the Telecommunications Research Center in Malvern, UK, Elizabeth II was one of the first people to use the internet in the world.

In this space was located the first computer network on the planet, the ARPANET.

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

6 - Humor

Reports indicate that Queen Elizabeth II had a good sense of humor and did imitations of TV characters and public figures. According to former royal correspondent for The Sun, Charles Rae, Elizabeth "could have had a decent career at it".

7 - Horse lover

the passion for horses it was one of the characteristics of Elizabeth II who was a fan of running these animals. Contradicting medical recommendations, in June of this year the queen got to ride a horse.

Statue of Queen Elizabeth II mounted on horseback
Statue of Queen Elizabeth II mounted on horseback located on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Canada.
Image credit: Shutterstock

8 - Brazilian chocolate

Queen Elizabeth II's favorite chocolate is a recipe by a Brazilian chef, Samantha Aquim, from the Aquim brand.

The candy design is unique and designed by the architect Oscar Niemeyer.

9 - Barbie doll

In celebration of the 70th anniversary of Elizabeth II's reign, a Barbie doll of the monarch was created complete with a tiara and sash with medals.

10 - Shoes softened

Before the Queen wore her shoes, they were broken in for days by people responsible for this special task. Information is from Lydia Slater of Harper's Bazaar.

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