Terrorist acts in Brasilia: find out what happened and what terrorism means

This Sunday, January 8, supporters of the former President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, invaded the National Congress, the Supreme Federal Court (STF) and the Planalto Palace, after clashing with the Military Police at the Esplanada dos Ministérios, in Brasilia.

The radical participants, responsible for the anti-democratic acts, had sticks and stones.

The justification for acts considered terrorist and vandalism would be because they did not agree with the victory of the current president, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, and the measures already announced by his government. In the midst of terrorist actions, President Lula decreed federal intervention in the Federal District on Sunday afternoon.

The terrorist supporters ofJair Bolsonaro invaded and destroyed the plenary of the Federal Supreme Court and also vandalized the National Congress. The plenary where the STF sessions are held was completely destroyed.

The extremists first attacked the Congress building, confronted the police who were blocking the area, climbed the Congress ramp and then took possession of the well-known domes. In addition, they also broke the glass in the main hall of the building and managed to enter the National Congress, also facing the Legislative Police.

Later, a smaller group also went to the Palácio do Planalto, headquarters of the federal government, and managed to enter the external area of ​​the building. Police formed a barrier to prevent access to the interior of the building, from which the President of the Republic and several ministers dispatch.

Check out: Federal intervention in Brasilia - what is it and what is the difference from military intervention

But what is terrorism?

É considered as terrorism any type of violent action committed with the objective of intimidating, injuring or killing citizens to guarantee the defense of a cause, be it political, economic or religious.

Terrorism can be directed against individuals, but also against property, and the most common forms are bomb attacks and shootings.

The most common terrorist attacks we have seen are from Islamic fundamentalist groups and radicalized men defending ideals neo-Nazis and the extreme right.

Terrorism is considered one of the greatest threats today, and terrorist attacks have taken place in frightening proportions in different parts of the planet and for different reasons. Given this, an international need to combat terrorism was created to prevent new attacks from happening.

See too: anarchist terrorism

September 11 terrorist attacks

Terrorism gained enormous international prominence after the September 11 attacks. The September 11 attacks in 2001 were carried out by the terrorist organization Al-Qaeda and hit the Pentagon and the World Trade Center, resulting in three thousand deaths.

Two of the planes crashed into the two towers of the World Trade Center, an old commercial building located in New York. The third plane crashed into the Pentagon, headquarters of the US Department of Defense, and the fourth plane crashed in an uninhabited area of ​​Pennsylvania.

As a result of the attacks, the United States organized the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

Read: Cases of Bioterrorism That Happened in the US After 9/11

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

Read too: September 11th: how the attack could fall on entrance exams and Enem

Attacks in the year 2015 in Paris

The city of Paris, capital of France, on the night of November 13, 2015, was the scene of the biggest terrorist attack ever on European soil and one of the largest ever carried out by Islamic fundamentalist groups against the West – second only to the September 11, 2001 attacks.

The action was carried out by terrorists linked to the Islamic state, a fundamentalist group active in Iraq and Syria that gained notoriety throughout 2014 for, among other things, things, releasing videos of the beheadings, shootings and burnings of western, Christian and military journalists Iraqis.

In total, eight terrorists, of Belgian and French nationality, participated in the action, which resulted in 129 deaths confirmed by the French government and more than 350 injured.

Brazilian anti-terrorism law

Brazil has a law that defines what terrorist practices are, also determining the time of imprisonment for those who commit this crime. This is Law No. 13,260, of March 16, 2016, which regulates the crime of terrorism, disciplining investigative and procedural issues and reformulated the concept of terrorist organization.

In it, it is foreseen as a crime the conduct of promoting, constituting, integrating or providing assistance to the organization terrorist, either directly or through another person, with a penalty of 5 to 8 years imprisonment and traffic ticket.

The law considers the use or threat, as well as the carrying and storage of explosives, toxic gases, poisons, biological, chemical, nuclear or other means capable of causing damage or promoting destruction in pasta.

Also listed as acts of terrorism are sabotage or the violent seizure by cybernetic means of control of means of communication, transport, ports, airports, railway stations or roads, hospitals, schools, stadiums, public facilities or places where essential public services operate, such as energy, military bases, oil installations and institutions banking.

The penalty provided for by law for the practice of acts of terrorism is from 12 to 30 years in prison, in addition to the sanctions corresponding to the threat or violence.

There is also what is called state terrorism, which is when the government itself establishes a regime of terror against citizens, as a way to intimidate the population and guarantee its support in the power. During the period of Military dictatorship, the Brazilian State used violence to silence and intimidate the Brazilian population.

Also access: Understand how one of the repression operations of the Military Dictatorship worked

Terrorism in entrance exams and enem

Because it is a broad subject that involves many world themes, the subject is always addressed, and may continue being, in innumerable ways, both in college entrance exams and also in the tests of the National High School Examination (Enem). With that in mind, enjoy and answer exercises about guerrilla warfare and terrorism!

image credits

[1] Jefferson Rudy/Senate Agency

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