ENCCEJA 2023: check the notice in Libras

Inep released the Encceja 2023 public notice in the Libras version for people with hearing impairment or deafness. The content is available on the Inep YouTube channel.

Check here the Encceja 2023 notice in Libras

The initiative is part of Inep's Inclusion and Accessibility Policy. The video details the information of the exam edict. It is the third time that the Institute provides the document's translation into Libras.

Previously, the notices for the 2019 and 2020 editions were also translated.

Encceja 2023

The announcement of the National Examination for the Certification of Youth and Adult Skills (Encceja) 2023 was released on March 15. Those interested in participating in the exam will be able to register from May 22 to June 2.

Check out the Encceja 2023 schedule:

  • Justification for absence from Encceja 2022 - April 3rd to 14th

  • Enrollment - 05/22 to 06/02

  • Request for specialized care and treatment by social name - 05/22 to 06/02

  • Evidences - 27/08

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

Who can register for Encceja 2023

Participation in Encceja is voluntary, free and aimed at youth and adults what did not complete their studies at the appropriate age for each stage of education.

You must be at least 15 years old for elementary school and at least 18 years old for high school on the date of the exam.

What's New at Encceja 2023

The 2023 edition of Encceja will have some modifications, such as the inclusion of an expanded response card option in the registration system for those with visual impairments.

Also, check out what has changed in Starts in 2023:

  • Differentiated correction of writing for people with autism spectrum disorder.

  • Reports approved in 2022 for the same type of service requested in 2023 do not need to be resubmitted for further analysis.

  • Transvestite, transsexual or transgender participants with social name registered with the Federal Revenue will not need to send supporting documentation.

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