Justification of absence Encceja 2022: resources continue until the 28th!

You absence justification features in Encceja 2022 can be submitted until this Friday (28).

The procedure is done by Encceja system.

Students who signed up for the previous edition of the exam and who did not attend had to justify their absence.

Anyone who has not justified or whose justification is disapproved must compensate to the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) the value of BRL 40.

Encceja is the National Examination for Certification of Youth and Adult Skills. The test aims to certify young people and adults who did not complete primary and secondary education at a regular age.

Check out:All about Encceja - know what the exam is and how it works

How to justify absence in Encceja 2022

The candidate who did not appear on the day of the Encceja 2022 tests had to justify his absence in the Encceja system.

Supporting documents (dated and signed), in accordance with the requirements set out in notice of Encceja 2023, were required to carry out the request.

The final result of justification of absence in Encceja 2022 will be informed by Inep on the day may 2nd.

Look:Encceja 2023 - Announcement, registration, dates and exams 

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

Encceja 2023

Encceja 2023 will receive the free registration between May 22nd and June 2nd over the Internet in the Encceja system.

The assessment must be applied on the day August 27 for candidates who will take the regular version of the exam.

The result must be released on the day December 22nd.

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