Brasília's birthday: check out what to study about the capital

Brasilia turns 63 today, April 21st. Located in the Midwest region, the capital of Brazil is home to the Government and is one of the largest in the country.

Inaugurated in 1960, in the Federal District, Brasília was built and planned specifically to be the country's capital. Before, the position was occupied by Rio de Janeiro.

To mark the 63rd anniversary of Brasilia, the city will be the stage for several cultural events, which will take place in different tourist spots, such as, for example, the TV Tower. There will be activities until next Sunday (23).

What to study about Brasilia

Brasilia, in addition to being the capital of the country, is one of the main Brazilian cities. Due to its importance, the history, geography and culture of the city can be included in selection processes, such as entrance exams, Enem and competitions.

We separate some points for help with studies about Brasilia. Check out:

History of Brasilia

Brasília is a planned city [2]

Brasília began its history effectively in 1956, in the

government of Juscelino Kubitschek. In that year, the then president of Brazil, with a demarcated land in the interior of Goiás, forwarded to the National Congress the “Message from Anápolis”, which proposed the name Brasília for the new capital, among other matters related to the construction of the city.

"From this central plateau of this solitude that will soon become the brain of high national decisions, I cast my eyes on the tomorrow of my country and I look forward to this dawn with unshakable faith and boundless confidence in its great destiny", said JK to era

However, the intention to transfer the capital of Brazil to some area in the interior of the country had already been analyzed in other historical moments and by personalities such as Marquês de Pombal, in the 18th century, and José Bonifácio, at the time of Brazil Empire.

In 1957, the country's government held a competition to choose the urban project for the future capital of Brazil. Lucio Costa was the winner. The project signaled that Brasília would have the following characteristics:

=>Administrative region: in the center, on the banks of a main road that would cross the city from east to west;
=> Residences: located in superblocks built around the road axis that would connect the capital from North to South.

In 1957, Juscelino Kubitschek sanctioned the law that determined the foundation of Brasília three years later. A construction of Brasilia. lasted 41 months.

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

The book “Histórias de Brasília”, by researcher João Carlos Amador, shows that, although many people think that Brasília has shape of an airplane because of the Plano Piloto (Asa Sul and Asa Norte), for Lúcio Costa, the city represented a butterfly.

Do exercises on the construction of Brasilia

Geography of Brasilia

Accompanying data on the geography of Brasilia is a way to help with studies. According to a 2018 survey by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the city has 5,760.783 km² and a population that exceeds 3 million.

Check below for others information about the geography of the capital of Brazil:

  • It is located in the Central Plateau;

  • The climate is continental tropical;

  • It has two well-defined seasons, a rainy summer and a dry winter;

  • The average temperature varies between 13ºC and 28ºC;

  • The rains are concentrated between October and April;

  • The altitude averages 1000 m above sea level;

  • The biome is Cerrado.

Culture of Brasilia

Brasilia's culture is diverse. The city encompasses a bold urbanization and has buildings and monuments that are landmarks of contemporary and modern architecture.

See below some historical and tourist points of Brasilia:

  • Three Powers Square: Planalto Palace, National Congress and Federal Supreme Court (STF)

  • Catetinho (first residence of President JK)

  • National Library

  • Claudio Santoro National Theater

  • Memorial of Indigenous Peoples

  • Museum of Arts of Brasilia (MAB)

  • Metropolitan Cathedral of Brasilia

  • Living Museum of Candanga Memory

  • JK Museum

  • TV tower

Brasília has Lake Paranoá, on which a bridge was built, known as the JK bridge. Another tourist spot in Brasilia is Pontão, a space in front of Lake Paranoá, which has parks, bars and restaurants.

Brasilia's music is a very strong trait, especially in the rock musical style. The city was the birthplace of important groups in the history of music, such as Legião Urbana, Capital Inicial and Raimundos.

Since 1987, Brasilia is a World Heritage Site.

Brasilia architecture

National Congress 

The architecture of Brasilia is a striking feature. Most of the city's architectural projects were designed by Oscar Niemeyer, considered the greatest architect Brazil has ever had.

Among some of Oscar Niemeyer's projects located in Brasilia, the following stand out: the buildings of the Three Powers, the Alvorada Palace, the National Theater, the Cathedral, etc..

image credit

[1] Shutterstock

[2] 061 Movies / Shutterstock

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