Brazilian Army: history, performance and patents

OBrazilian army is one of the forces that make up the Armed Forces of the Brazil, being responsible for ensuring the defense of national borders and territory, for maintaining order and respect for Constitution, in addition to being able to be used to provide services to the population. It is estimated to have around 360,000 soldiers.

Officially formed in 1822, with the Independence from Brazil, the Brazilian Army had to act in the fight against military troops that were loyal to Portugal. The military also participated in other important events in Brazilian history, such as the Paraguayan War. The Army was also directly involved in the Civil-Military Coup of 1964.

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Summary about the Brazilian Army

  • The Brazilian Army is one of the three forces that form the Armed Forces of Brazil.

  • It is responsible for defending the National territory it's from our borders, as well as guaranteeing order and respect for constitutional principles.

  • It is estimated that the Brazilian Army has around 360,000 soldiers.

  • It's the biggest army Latin America and one of the largest in the world.

  • The Brazilian Army officially emerged in 1822, with the independence of Brazil.

  • He acted in many remarkable events of our history, as in the Wars of Independence and on war in paraguay.

What is the role of the Brazilian Army?

The Brazilian Army is one of the forces that make up the Armed Forces of Brazil, having as its primary functions:

  • guarantee the security of Brazil;

  • act in defense of Brazilian sovereignty;

  • ensure respect for laws;

  • preserve order and comply with the limits established by the Federal Constitution.

The two other forces that make up the Armed Forces, in addition to the Army, are the Navy and the Air Force. According to Brazilian law, O wcommander shead of the Brazilian Army is the President, figure who is also responsible for appointing the commander of the Army.

Currently, the Army is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Defense, as well as the Navy and Air Force. This configuration has been in effect since 1999 and was established during the government of Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Between 1967 and 1999, the Army was under the authority of the Ministry of the Army and between 1822 and 1967, the Army was part of the Ministry of War.

The Brazilian Army defines its mission as

contribute to the guarantee of national sovereignty, constitutional powers, law and order, safeguarding national interests and cooperating with national development and well-being Social.

Furthermore, the army understands that to carry out this mission it is necessary keep your force always prepared and in readiness.

How many soldiers does the Brazilian Army have?

The Brazilian Army is formed by about 360 thousand effective soldiers. This makes our army recognized as the largest in America Latin America and one of the largest in planet. In addition, the Army is made up of about 1.34 million reservist soldiers (appear once a year). In its structure, the fact stands out that the Army has the largest amount of vehicles Latin American Armored.

See too: 11th of July — Day of the Brazilian Navy

Performance and values ​​of the Brazilian Army

The performance of the Brazilian Army is divided in two ways. The military classify their actions as “Strong Arm” and “Helping Hand”. Let's see the differences:

  • Strong arm: acting in defense of the territory and borders of Brazil, maintenance of order and respect for the Constitution.

  • Helping hand: action for the benefit of population through care services, such as the doctor, for example.

Finally, the Brazilian Army understands that there are five values that should guide their actions in the defense of Brazil:

  1. Patriotism

  2. Duty

  3. Loyalty

  4. Probity

  5. Courage

When did the Brazilian Army emerge?

The creation of the Brazilian Army goes through the Independence of Brazil, in 1822. The Independence of Brazil started the Wars of Independence, in which the then Brazilian government had to act to defeat the loyalty movements to Portugal within the national territory. However, for that, it was necessary to form an army to fight.

This army was formed from the separation that happened with the Portuguese Army, and the performance of the Brazilian Army troops were responsible for defeating the pockets of resistance à independence, guaranteeing, at that moment, the territorial integrity of Brazil. The Army's role in this context took place in the regions North It is North East and on war of cisplatin (where is the current Uruguay).

Throughout the 19th century, the Army took part in important events in our history, such as the provincial revolts, highlighting the Balaiada and the War of the Rags, for example. Nonetheless, the greatest performance of ANDarmy in that century took place in the War of Paraguay, a conflict between Brazil and the Paraguay between the years 1864 and 1870.

The Army's performance was fundamental to guarantee the Brazilian victory in this conflict. Its involvement in that conflict ensured a greater professionalization of the Army, making it an important player in the policy Brazilian. This even influenced the change of regime in Brazil, since O ANDarmy actively participated in the coup that led àPproclamation of Republic, in 1889.

However, the historical memory about the Army points out that its foundation took place well before these events, in the Battle of Guararapes, fought in 1648.

Know more: What is a coup d'état?

Brazilian Army in the history of Brazil

Throughout the 20th century, the army was involved in a number of important developments. A portion of the army supported the Revolution of 1930 and took part in it. He also supported the coup of the new state, in 1937, and acted to force the dismissal of Getulio Vargas, in 1945. Furthermore, the Brazilian Army participateor from the Second World War, through Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB), created solely for the purpose of fighting in the Europe.

In 1964, the Army participated in the Civil-Military Coup, leading àestablishment from the Military dictatorship, which ran from 1964 to 1985. Armed Forces agents in general — and not just the Army — participated in crimes against the population throughout this dictatorial period, but were never properly investigated and punished for the crimes committed.

Brazilian Army Patents

The Army, like any militarized force, has a hierarchy rigid that is based on order, discipline and respect for superiors. A soldier who enlists in the Brazilian Army can climb the steps in the military hierarchy, reaching the highest ranks in the corporation.

The existing patents in the Brazilian Army are as follows (in order from highest to lowest):

  • marshal;

  • army general;

  • divisional general;

  • brigadier general;

  • colonel;

  • Lieutenant Colonel;

  • major;

  • captain;

  • 1st lieutenant;

  • 2nd lieutenant;

  • officer Candidate;

  • warrant officer;

  • 1st sergeant;

  • 2nd sergeant;

  • 3rd sergeant;

  • cable;

  • chief steward;

  • 1st class cabin boy;

  • 2nd class cabin boy;

  • Soldier.

image credits

[1] Salty View It is Shutterstock

By Daniel Neves Silva
History teacher

Source: Brazil School -

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