Blockade of highways: population and various sectors are experiencing inconvenience with interdictions

To the demonstrations by truck drivers supporting President Jair Bolsonaro (PL), who do not accept the election result, is already starting to be felt in various sectors of the economy such as supermarkets, fuels, health, industries, trips between others. In addition to them, the population is also experiencing numerous disorders.

Started on the night of October 30th, they continue today, November 3rd, in many states, even after the determination of the Minister of the Supreme Court (STF), Alexandre de Moraes, to release all roads in the country and with the request of the current president Bolsonaro, for the protests to be finished.

Impact of demonstrations

Some entities are already issuing alerts regarding the supply of essential items for the population, which may be harmed due to road blocks. Posts in some regions are already showing a lack of product. The bases are also having supply problems (anhydrous and hydrated), since the trucks cannot arrive for unloading.

Another sector that is already feeling the impact of these stoppages is travel and tourism. Bus stations in many states have already reported the delay and cancellation of trips that would occur.

The lines most affected by the demonstrations on the highways were the interstates to São Paulo It is Rio de Janeiro.

In commercial flights, many people were unable to arrive on time for their departures and others also had flights canceled due to roadblocks. The Brazilian Association of Airlines (Abear) published a note on its official website stating that it had warned the authorities about the impact of the blockages on the air network. If the obstructions persist, "the sector could suffer from fuel shortages", he warned.

In relation to the supermarket sector, some units are already starting to suffer from stock shortages and are facing difficulties in replacement.

In the health sector, the Brazilian Association of the Health Technology Industry (Abimed) also communicated that sent official letters to the competent authorities regarding the situation of blockage of the transportation routes in the Country. The main objective is to guarantee full access to health by the population, even in a troubled moment.

But still, cases of people who missed appointments and important exams, because they were unable to reach the places due to the blockades, began to appear. Others with relatives in serious condition, needing to get to hospitals soon to be attended to, families arrested on roads or looking for "shortcuts" through other paths, increasing the time and expense of travel were also reported.

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

Damage to trade may exceed 2018

The National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC) found that daily losses for the business with the blockages can generate a loss greater than R$1.8 billion, recorded in 2018.

According to the entity, the truckers' strike this year in question caused a 5.8% retraction in sales volume, with a total cost for retailers, in current values, of R$18 billion.

The National Confederation of Industry (CNI) also warned about the risk of shortages and lack of fuel, if highways are not quickly unlocked.

In a note, the entity said that “industries already feel impacts on the flow of production and report cases of impossibility of displacement of workers. The stoppages have also already affected the transport of essential cargo, such as equipment and inputs for hospitals, as well as basic raw materials for industrial activities”.

CNI data show that 99% of Brazilian companies use highways to transport their production.

Almost 48 hours later, the President spoke 

After more than 40 hours without manifesting itself about the stoppages and protests, the President Jair Bolsonaro gave a brief statement on the afternoon of the 1st. It was the first appearance of the authority after the announcement of the results of the elections, in which he was not re-elected.

During the press conference at Palácio da Alvorada, Bolsonaro commented on the protests made by truck drivers against the result of the presidential election.

“Current popular movements are the result of indignation and a feeling of injustice at how the electoral process took place. Peaceful demonstrations will always be welcome, but our methods cannot be like those of the left, which have always harmed the population, ”he declared.

Last night (2), the president published a video on his Facebook asking his supporters to clear the highways they are occupying across the country. He said he understands the frustration of the demonstrators, but the time is now to "put your head in place".

The president suggested that his supporters express their indignation in squares and places that do not interfere with the movement of other Brazilians.

By Erica Caetano

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