After Lula's victory, truck drivers protest against election results and announce strike

Groups of truck drivers started a demonstration in the highways against the result of the presidential election on the night of Sunday, October 30. With 60.34 million votes, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) was elected Brazilian President for the third time.

Interventions continued this morning, the 31st, at at least eight points.

Among the mobilizations and blocking of lanes, acts were recorded in the states of Santa Catarina, Paraná, Mato Grosso do Sul,São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul,Goias It is bahia.

According to a survey carried out by CBN radio, most of the blockages were registered in the state of Santa Catarina, with acts on BRs 101 and 116.

The road was closed in both directions of the BR-101 at KM 24, in Joinville, at KM 116, in Itajaí, and at KM 216 in Palhoça. There was also a protest, with traffic interruption, in a stretch towards PR-SC, KM 5, in Garuva.

Between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, it was the BR-116, also known as Presidente Dutra highway, which was blocked in both directions, at KM 281, in Barra Mansa (RJ).

In Goiás, the BR-060, KM 101, in Anápolis; the BR-153, KM 703, in Itumbiara; and the BR-040, in Cristalina, close to the Federal District, were also blocked.

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

On the BR-020, in the city of Luís Eduardo Magalhães, in the west of Bahia, the track was released around 2:30 am this Monday, after protests. Truck drivers set tires on fire and closed the road after Lula's victory.

understand about the second round of elections

 Protest against "abuse of power by the STF"

The president of the Truck Drivers Union of Ourinhos (SP), Júnior Almeida, confirms that category leaders called for demonstrations across the country, out of dissatisfaction with the results of the elections.

The truck drivers’ act would be a demonstration of protest against “abuse of power by the Federal Supreme Court (STF)”, which is culminating in an “already accumulated” dissatisfaction.

Class workers claim to be expressing their revolt at what did not happen in the acts of september 7th this year and last year, and that now, with a very questionable and questionable election, for them, highlighting the absence of a printed vote, rejected by the Federal Congress.

Also according to the truck drivers' representative, the movement would only be demobilized if the elections were annulled or at the request of the president Jair Bolsonaro (PL).

Understand the reasons that led Dom Pedro I to proclaim the Independence of Brazil

Read too:Do you know how the Brazilian electoral system works?

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