Find out why drugs are missing from pharmacies

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Lately, there has been a difficulty in finding basic medicines in pharmacies. Simple remedies like antibiotics, anti-allergens, syrups and even the well-known dipyrone are missing.

Essential medicines for the health and well-being of the population are lacking both in public and private network units in the country and, contrary to popular belief, the solution seems to be far from being resolved, since these are problems that involve questions worldwide.

The biggest cause of the medicine shortage was generated by the pandemic in Covid-19. Another aggravating factor was the war in Ukraine, which ended up affecting Brazil. Experts even talk about the concern this causes, as it shows the country's lack of autonomy in the face of the situation.

The National Confederation of Municipalities (CNM) carried out a survey in August of this year, entitled "Supply of Medicines", with data from more than half (57%) of the country's cities, which pointed out that 65% of these municipalities suffer from a lack of medicines.

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To get an idea, in the state of São Paulo, a survey by the São Paulo Regional Pharmacy Council (CRF-SP), also in August, showed an extensive and chronic shortage, where 98% of the interviewed pharmacists said they had problems due to lack of medicines.

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Lack of antibiotics in pharmacies

Considered the most scarce medicine in pharmacies, antibiotics were the ones that caused the most inconvenience because they were not on the shelves. About 96% of pharmacists said patients didn't find the medicine they needed.

Antibiotics are of paramount importance for the treatment of diseases considered common, but not are easily treated without specific medication, such as tonsillitis, the famous sore throat, and sinutes.

They are also used to prevent and combat infections that can develop into serious and potentially fatal health conditions, such as pneumonias It is meningitis.

SUS also suffers from shortages

A survey carried out in October by the National Council of Municipal Health Secretaries (Conasems) showed 530 notifications of drug shortages in the public network of 57 cities in the state of São Paul. Which shows that the Unified Health System (SUS) is also suffering from shortages.

Antibiotics such as amoxicillin, azithromycin and dipyrone (for pain and fever) are at the top of shortages. Until then, these medications had never suffered this type of problem.

The shortage of items that make up the manufacture of medicines, such as bottles and ingredients and, mainly, of supplies for the manufacture of medicines are among the causes.

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In the absence of the necessary medicine in the pharmacy, what has been restricting the population is having the guidance of pharmacists in recommending substitutes, generic prescriptions or similar. In the case of therapies without a medical prescription, the pharmacist himself evaluates the case and makes treatment suggestions to the client.

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Read too: Correct use of antibiotics

What is the cause of the lack of medicines

The main reason for the shortage of medicines is due to the fact that our country depends on the importation of a large part of the raw materials used. In Brazil, around 95% of pharmaceutical ingredients come from other countries. Only some antibiotics, drugs for depression and anxiety, and some cancer therapies are produced in the country.

The pandemic: As most inputs are produced in China and India, the lockdown period in China, between December 2021 and February 2022, affected the production of inputs and medicines, harming the entire global chain, as many cities that were closed were ports. Ships were stranded and many factories had to stop production. When a factory temporarily closes, the time to resume production is six to eight months to resume normal production.

Supply x demand: With less inputs available for the manufacture of medicines, production decreases, creating an imbalance with demand. The scarcity of items that make up the manufacture of medicines, such as bottles and ingredients and, mainly, of inputs for manufacturing. There is an impact on the price, which is also affected by other factors, such as the devaluation of the real against the dollar and the increase in freight costs.

war in ukraine: The war ended up inflating prices, leading to a "who pays the most, takes" auction. The United States and many countries in Europe are paying more than the normal price for drugs. There are cases of increases that exceed 400%

Look: Why did Russia invade Ukraine in 2022?

Possible solution to drug shortages

Scientists believe that strengthening research can be the main way out for Brazil. It is believed that the Brazilian pharmaceutical industry has advanced a lot in the production of generic and similar drugs, but there is still much potential to be explored.

Only then, in the specialist's view, will the country be able to act in a significant way with the so-called radical innovation, which consists of the development of new drugs, and expanding national sovereignty in the pharmaceutical sector.

By Erica Caetano

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