Second round of elections: when does it take place?

O second round in the elections is a step in the brazilian electoral system which is held when none of the candidates in the running for Executive Power obtains an absolute majority of votes in the first round. With this, a second round is held with the two candidates with the most votes in the first round. The purpose of this system is to ensure that candidates are elected with an absolute majority of votes.

Know more: Presidents of Brazil — the list and brief history of all presidents of the country

Topics of this article

  • 1 - Summary of the second round of elections
  • 2 - What is a second round in elections?
  • 3 - When did the second round of elections in Brazil take place?
  • 4 - Presidential elections that went to the second round
    • → 1989 presidential election
    • → 2002 presidential election
    • → 2006 presidential election
    • → 2010 presidential election
    • → 2014 presidential election
    • → 2018 presidential election
    • → 2022 presidential election
  • 5 - Presidential elections that did not go to the second round

Summary on the second round of elections

  • The second round is a step that may be necessary in an election for office in the Power Executive in Brazil.

  • It is necessary when none of the candidates obtains an absolute majority of votes.

  • This stage of the Brazilian electoral system was introduced through the 1988 Constitution.

  • It is valid for mayoral (a) elections — in cities with more than 200,000 voters —, president and governor (a).

  • The second round has already been necessary in seven presidential elections.

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What is a second round of elections?

The second round is a stage of the elections that are held in the Brazil. This step can take place in the elections of the Executive, that is, in the elections for Predone — in cities with more than 200,000 voters —, president It is governor). It is a system that aims to guarantee the election of a candidate with an absolute majority of valid votes.

That's because there were times when brazilian history in which the election was held in a single round and, in the case of the presidential election, this opened room for speeches that delegitimized the president's position because he had not been elected with a majority of wishes. Therefore, is a criterion that seeks to give elected politicians an absolute majority of votes (more than 50% of valid votes).

The second round, therefore, happens in elections in which no candidate obtains more than 50% of the valid votes in first round. When this happens, the first two most voted advance to the second round and dispute the position in question.

If one of the two candidates advancing to the second round dies, withdraws from the race or is legally prevented from participate for some reason, the third-placed candidate in the first round advances to the second round and competes with the other candidate who left.

Important:Legislative elections do not follow this criterion. the election for senators requires a simple majority to determine the elected candidate, and the election for congresspersons federal, district deputies and deputies(to the) state depends on the electoral quotient criteria. This quotient is the defining criterion of the proportional system.

When did the second round of elections in Brazil take place?

This criterion that shapes elections in Brazil was established with the enactment of the Constitution of 1988. This document is the great symbol of Brazil's redemocratization, which began with the end of Dictatorship, being known as the Citizen Constitution, because it establishes a series of rights of the population, including minorities.

With regard to elections, it was defined in article 77, paragraph 2, that the president is elected if he obtains an absolute majority of valid votes. If no one gets that amount in the first round, the two candidates with the most votes advance to the second round. The Constitution also defines this criterion for the election of governor, as stated in Article 28.

In the case of mayoral elections, the Constitution establishes that in cities with more than 200,000 voters, the rules in force in article 77 come into effect.

Read too: History of elections in Brazil

Presidential elections that went to the second round

The elections began to have the second round as a stage of the electoral dispute from the 1988 Constitution. Before, when there were presidential elections, the criterion required was that of a simple majority. Thus, the elected presidential candidate was the one who obtained the highest number of votes, regardless of whether it was an absolute majority or not.

This system allowed, for example, Juscelino Kubitschek was elected president in 1955 with only 35.68% of the votes. This is because his opponents also obtained significant votes, such as Juarez Távora, winning 30.27%, and Ademar de Barros, obtaining 25.77%. As the 1946 Constitution did not define the need for a second round, Juscelino Kubitschek was elected with only the aforementioned 35%.

In the case of the current Brazilian electoral system, this scenario would result in a second round. Since the 1988 Constitution was enacted, the presidential election went to the second round seven times.

The presidential elections in which there was a need for a second round were the elections of 1989, 2002, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018 and 2022. Look Next how was the dispute in the second round in all these elections.

1989 presidential election



% of votes

Fernando Collor de Melo






2002 presidential election



% of votes




José Serra



Election 2006 presidential



% of votes




Geraldo Alckmin



Election 2010 presidential



% of votes

Dilma Rousseff



José Serra



Election presidential 2014



% of votes

Dilma Rousseff



Aécio Neves



Electionpresidential in2018



% of votes

Jair Bolsonaro



Fernando Haddad



Electionpresidential in2022



% of votes



to be defined

Jair Bolsonaro


to be defined

Presidential elections that did not go to the second round

Only on two occasions was there a victory in the first round, and on both occasions the winner was Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PSDB). Let's see the results.

1994 presidential election



% of votes

Fernando Henrique Cardoso






1998 presidential election



% of votes

Fernando Henrique Cardoso






By Daniel Neves Silva
History teacher

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SILVA, Daniel Neves. "Second round of elections"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on April 12, 2023.

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