Government of Juscelino Kubitschek. JK government

Juscelino Kubitschek he was elected President of the Republic in 1955, along with vice-president João Goulart. In the first years of the election, after the political situation had taken its course (a coup attempt by the UDN (União Democrática Nacional) and the military), JK quickly put into action the Goals plan and the construction of Brasilia, transferring the capital of Brazil from the city of Rio de Janeiro to the Central Plateau. Therefore, we will address the main achievements made by JK during his government as president (1955-1960).

The Plan or Program of Goals (31 goals) had the economic development of Brazil as its main objective, that is, it was based on a set of measures that would reach the economic development of several sectors, prioritizing the dynamization of the process of industrialization of the Brazil.

O economic developmentalism that Brazil experienced during JK's mandate prioritized investment in the sectors of transport and energy, in base industry (durable and non-durable consumer goods), in

import substitution, highlighting the rise of the automobile industry, and in Education. For JK and his government, Brazil would reduce social inequality by generating wealth and developing industrialization and consequently strengthening the economy. Thus, his Plan of Goals was launched: “Brazil would develop 50 years in 5”.

To expand Brazilian economic development, JK considered it impossible for the economy to progress without the participation of foreign capital. In order to achieve the objectives of the Plan of Goals, greater State intervention in the economy was necessary, prioritizing, then, the entry of foreign capital into the country, mainly by the industrial automobile. It should be noted that during this period Brazil began the process of foreign debt.

The energy and transport sectors were considered fundamental for economic development, highlighting the importance of Vargas government in this process, with the creation of Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional in Volta Redonda-RJ in 1946 and Petrobras in 1953. Other sectors that gained relevance were agriculture; JK sought to increase food production and the energy sector by building the Paulo Afonso hydroelectric power plants on the São Francisco River and the Furnas and Três Marias dams.

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However, such changes undertaken by JK led to the accentuation of the country's industrialization with an increase in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 7% per year, but not exceeding the inflation of the external debt. The industrialization of the country basically took place in the southeast region, highlighting at this moment the great northeastern migration to this region.

After analyzing some points of the Plan of Goals, we will focus on another campaign promise made by JK: the construction of Brasília and the transfer of the federal capital. At the end of 1956, after the National Congress had approved the transfer of the capital, construction work on Brasília began. The new capital of Brazil would have a modern and bold architectural complex created by the architect Oscar Niemeyer. The city's Pilot Plan was developed by urban planner Lúcio Costa.

Juscelino Kubitschek was not the first to speak about the possibility of transferring the capital of Brazil, since 1891 the Federal Constitution, in its 3rd article, already aimed at transferring it. In the last decade of the 19th century, precisely in 1894, a commission was appointed to visit and demarcate the area of ​​the future Federal District in the Central Plateau. This commission became known as the Cruls Mission in reference to the Belgian astronomer Luiz Cruls who headed it.

The interiorization of the federal capital was already a dream of many Brazilians before JK, but it was Juscelino who carried out the transfer of the capital. Accustomed to dealing with bold projects, JK gave the order for the construction of Brasília to begin, work beginning at the end of 1956. The new capital was inaugurated in the year 1960.

The construction of the new capital was configured as a great goal to be fulfilled. Brasília could only be put into effect based on the great will of JK, and also through the commitment of the workers who built it, a large part of which consisted of migrants from the northeast region of Brazil. The workers who built it became its first residents, becoming known as “Candangos”.

With Juscelino Kubitschek, the interior of Brazil came to be seen as a space of possibilities, as an integral part of Brazilian civilization.

Leandro Carvalho
Master in History

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

CARVALHO, Leandro. "Government Juscelino Kubitschek (JK)"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on April 10, 2023.

Access the text and check out details of the life of João Goulart, president of Brazil between 1961 and 1964. Find out about his government and his death.


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