Other It is another are ways in which we refer to other people and things in English language. These are overused words. While other has the meaning of “another/another” and is used for plural or uncountable nouns, another has the meaning of “one/another/them” and is used for countable singular nouns.
Read too: This, that, these It is those - what's the difference?
Summary about other It is another
- Other means “another/another”. Another means “one/another/them”.
- Other can be used as a noun, as a determiner and as a pronoun.
- we use other before uncountable nouns or plural nouns.
- Another It can be used as a determiner or a pronoun.
- we use another before countable nouns in the singular.
What is the difference between other It is another?
- Other: means “another/another”. Its plural is others, which means “others/others”.
- Another: means additional “another” which is beyond what has already been mentioned. It is a singular word, that is, it has no plural.
When to use other?
we use other in the cases that we will see below.
- Other to refer to people, as a noun:
We're waiting for the others.
We are waiting for others.
- Other as a determiner, before uncountable nouns:
Other music might be better for tonight.
Other music could be better for tonight.*
*In this example, the other means “another kind of music”. If the idea was of a specific song, in the singular, we would say another song.
- Other as a determiner, before plural nouns:
Othersongs might be better for the wedding.
Otherssongs could be better for marriage.
- Other as a pronoun, which can be plural:
I saw some movies and I'll see others later.
I saw some movies and I will see others after.
When to use another?
we use another in the cases that we will see below.
- Another as a determiner, before a countable singular noun:
Another song might sound better.
Another music could sound better.
- Another as pronoun:
The passport is signed in this office, then goes to another.
The passport is signed at that office, and then goes to another.
List of expressions with other It is another
I loved this pizza! Can I have another one?
Loved this pizza! I can catch another?
I like pop singers. Harry Stiles, Rihanna, among others…
I like pop singers. Harry Stiles, Rihanna, between others…
tomorrow is another day.
Tomorrow is another day.
Having kids is hard, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Having children is difficult, but I wouldn't have wanted to. no other different way.
Some people are more generous than others.
some people are more generous what other.
from one day to another, I work.
On one day to another, I work.
They gave one another flowers.
They/they gave flowers one/one/another/other.
See too: in, on It is at — when and how to use it?
Solved exercises on other It is another
question 1

In the image above, we have one of the most famous memes on the internet. Choose the sentence below that would describe the possible reason for the indignation of the person on the right of the image and that is grammatically correct.
A) She's angry because he's looking for another girl.
B) She's angry because he's looking to another girl.
C) She's angry because he's looking for another girl.
D) She's angry because of her hair.
Alternative C
Alternative A and alternative B bring other followed by girl, countable noun in the singular, are therefore incorrect. Alternative A is even more incorrect because, after looking, it requires the use of I'm in this case, to indicate where you are looking. Alternative D does not make sense within the context of the image, even though it is grammatically correct. So, option C is correct.
question 2
Pop singer Britney Spears sings in the song “Piece of me” the phrase: “Another day, another drama.” In which of the following situations could we not substitute another per other?
A) Before day,if day was in the plural.
B) before day,if day was a countable word, even if in the singular.
C) Before drama,if drama was an uncountable word.
D) before drama,if drama was in the plural, before drama.
Alternative B
Option A is wrong because if day were in the plural, there would necessarily be the use of other. Likewise in alternative D, since the use of drama in the plural it would obligatorily ask for the use of other. if drama were uncountable, we would have to use obligatorily other also, making option C wrong. The correct answer is alternative B: being countable, in the singular, it is necessary to use another.
By Beta Maria Xavier Reis
English teacher
Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/ingles/other-or-another.htm