Neutral pronoun: understand what it is and how to use it with these examples

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Neutral pronouns are inclusive ways to treat people who do not feel that they belong exclusively to either the male or the female gender. These people are called non-binary.

The most common neuter pronouns are "elu" and "ile", which replace the pronouns "he" and "she". In plural: "elus" and "unharmed".

Examples of sentences with the neutral pronoun:

  • Elu and intelligent.
  • ill and intelligent.
  • elus are smart.
  • islands are smart.

When using the neuter pronoun, it is not possible to identify the gender of the person being spoken of as either masculine or feminine. Therefore, it is used for non-binary people.

Examples of sentences with traditional masculine and feminine pronouns and neuter pronouns:

  • He saw the butterfly (genus masculine).
  • Is it over there saw the butterfly (genus feminine).
  • Elu saw the butterfly (genus neutral).
  • ill saw the butterfly (genus neutral).

Pronouns are words used to replace the name of someone or something. And in the Portuguese language, pronouns end up demonstrating the gender of the person who speaks or who is spoken.

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In the sentence "Maria is my friend", one can change the name to the pronoun "she" and transform the sentence into "She is my friend", keeping the same meaning. In this example, it is clear that we are talking about a female person because we use the feminine pronouns "ela" and "minha". The noun "amiga", with the ending "a", also confirms the feminine gender of the person.

If the same phrase referred to a male person, it would be "he is my friend". Changing the pronouns "he", "my" and the noun "friend" to masculine.

However, if the phrase referred to a person who does not identify exclusively or with the gender feminine, nor with masculine, traditional pronouns cannot refer to this person properly.

Neutral pronouns emerged to try to correct the gender issue in language and increase the social inclusion of non-binary people. The following chart illustrates how gender-neutral language works:

Examples of gender-neutral language.

How to use neutral pronouns

Neutral pronouns don't have a right way to be used, because are not officially part of the Portuguese language. The use is made according to the decision of each one and how the non-binary person asks to be treated.

However, in recent years, some more accepted forms of use have been created. The neuter pronouns "elu(s)" and "ile(s)" are the most famous. "Elu" and "ile" have the same meaning. Choosing between one and the other is a personal choice.

The phrases "she is my friend" and "he is my friend", in the feminine and masculine, respectively; in gender-neutral language it is "elu is my friend".

Generally, in neutral language, the letter "e" is used in place of the letters "o" and "a" at the end of words. Usually, it is the letters "o" and "a" at the end of pronouns, nouns and adjectives that indicate the gender of the person being spoken of. As in the examples given: "friend" and "friend".

With the exchange of the letters "o" and "a" for the neutral letter "e", when referring to someone as "friend" one does not identify the person's gender exclusively as male or female. It is known that this is a non-binary person, that is, a person who does not identify with only one of the genders, who can identify with both or with neither.

Understand better what they are non-binary people.

Comparative examples of sentences with the use of neutral pronouns

Male Feminine Neutral
He likes to study math. She likes to study math. Elu she likes to study math.
ill she likes to study math.
He is my teacher. She is my teacher. Elu it's mineand teacherand.
ill it's mineand teacherand.
He is a director of a renowned company. She is a director of a renowned company. Elu is directorand from a renowned company.
ill is directorand from a renowned company.
He's your lawyer. She's your lawyer. Elu é sue lawyerand.
ill é sue lawyerand.
He's beautiful. She is beautiful. elu is beautifuland.
Ile is beautifuland.
This coat is his. This coat is hers this coat is delu.
this coat is say.
This coat is Ali's. This coat is from Ali. this coat is in There.
Everyone enjoyed the lecture. Everyone enjoyed the lecture. all liked the lecture.

It is important to note that the noun and adjective, like the words "director" and "linde", respectively, also adapt to the neuter pronoun when it is used. Gender-neutral language goes beyond pronouns to other word categories as well.

As it does not exist in the official grammar, the use of neutral pronouns is still contested and may raise doubts. Anyone who intends to use gender-neutral language, but has doubts about how to use a particular pronoun or noun in the neutral version, you can choose existing words and expressions in the Portuguese language and considered neutral.

For example: "everybody" instead of "everyone" or "all of them", "students" instead of "students" or "students", "people" instead of "men" and "women", among others. Eliminating the use of articles, when possible, is also recommended. Instead of saying "Ali likes chocolate", you can say "Ali likes chocolate".

Neutral pronouns that should not be used

In the search for a neutral language, some pronouns, which used "x" and "@" at the end of words, were created. However, these types of neutral pronouns are not recommended.

They are neutral pronouns that build unpronounceable words for those who speak Portuguese, in addition to preventing that software used by visually impaired people can read words written in this form. Therefore, they should not be used.

Why are there neutral pronouns?

Contrary to what one might imagine, the Portuguese language has a neutral pronoun already foreseen in the language, as well as the English language, for example. However, unlike in other languages, in Portuguese, the neuter pronoun assumes a masculine form.

For example, in an audience of diverse people, "everyone" is used to refer to those present. Even if among those present only one person is male.

The predominance of masculine forms, even in different contexts of gender identity, led to the rethinking of the original neutral pronoun in the Portuguese language.

know what it is gender identity and the types that exist.

It has become common, in texts and speeches to the public, to use the masculine and feminine variants to speak to different people, as in the phrase "good morning to all and all". However, non-binary people were not yet represented in this type of sentence.

Neutral pronouns emerge as a way of effectively including non-binary people in language. Neutral pronouns are used as a political act of affirmation of the LGBTQIA+ community, especially non-binary people, through the Portuguese language and language.

understand the function of pronouns in portuguese language.
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