Encceja exams and templates: download it!

Brazilians who have not completed primary or secondary education at school age have the possibility to take a test to obtain the certificate: the National Examination for the Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (encceja).

The Encceja test is administered once a year, usually in August, in more than 600 municipalities. It has 120 objective questions and an essay for both elementary and high school.

If you are studying for Encceja, a good strategy is to solve previous exams. This exercise allows you to know the level of the questions and simulate the time it takes to answer the test.

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Brasil Escola makes available the previous Encceja exam notebooks and their respective templates. Each file contains exams for elementary and high school.

To access the tests and templates, you need to have programs that are compatible with files installed on your computer or smartphone. .rar and .pdf.

Encceja 2020 exams and answers (11.1 MB)

Encceja 2019 exams and answers (5.9 MB)

Encceja 2018 exams and answers (21.7 MB)

Soon we will make available the proofs of the other editions. The 2021 edition was not held because of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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LESME, Adrian. "Encceja Tests and Answers"; Brazil School. Available in: https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/educacao/provas-e-gabaritos-do-encceja.htm. Accessed on May 22, 2022.

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