Voter ID: what it is and how to get it

THE voter registration it is the official document necessary for Brazilian citizens to vote in elections for legislative and executive positions. This document proves registration with the Brazilian Electoral Court and allows the individual to participate in the electoral process, either as a voter or as a candidate. In other words, the voter registration card is fundamental for the exercise of citizenship, as it makes it possible to choose representatives or enter a political career.

In addition to serving to participate in elections, the document may also be required on other important occasions, such as:

  • in the academic record, in public higher education institutions;

  • when taking the passport;

  • at the time of hiring for a new job;

  • participation in public tenders, as well as in other selection processes.

Check out our podcast: Elections in Brazil: from the origin to the present

Topics in this article

  • 1 - Who should take the voter registration?
  • 2 - How to get the voter registration?
  • 3 - What is the e-Title?
  • 4 - Electoral status
  • 5 - History of the voter registration

Who should take the voter registration card?

Voter registration is mandatory all persons who are 18 years old by October of the election year, and elections are held every two years. The document can be requested by young people aged 16 and over.

Voting in Brazil is optional for 16 and 17 year olds, individuals over 70 and illiterate people.

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How to get the voter registration?

It is possible to vote without leaving home. THE process is carried out online through the TitleNet system. Just access the page and select the option “I don't have it” on the “Voter ID” tab and fill in the indicated fields. At this stage, it is necessary to inform personal data, such as full name, email address, RG number and place of birth.

For proof, the system asks you to send the following files:

  • selfie of the applicant holding an official photo ID;

  • identification document (front and back);

  • proof of address;

  • proof of discharge from military service, for men between 18 and 45 years old.

The images must be legible for the Electoral Court to approve the document request.

the voter registration can be printed by Voter Self-Service page, which contains a QR Code for document certification. The document can also be accessed virtually through the e-Título.

What is the e-Title?

THE e-Title is mobile platform that provides the digital version of the voter registration. With the application it is possible to easily access information from the Electoral Justice, such as the electoral situation and the polling place.

It is also possible, through the e-Título, to issue payment slips for fines, justify absence from elections and register as a poll worker.

electoral situation

the voter registration is canceled for those who did not vote or excuse their absence for three elections consecutive. The cancellation of the document can cause consequences with the Electoral Court, such as the ban on the issuance of passport and identity card.

To regularize the voter registration, it is necessary to fill in the form available at service page. The electoral situation can be consulted at this Superior Electoral Court page.

Read too: Elections and the importance of voting

History of voter registration

the voter registration was created in 1881 and, initially, it enabled only men with a minimum net income of 200 thousand réis per year to vote. During this period, as the country was not yet secular, parishes were responsible for registering voters.

With the Proclamation of the Republicin 1889, the second title model was instituted of voters in Brazil. The census vote was abolished, and proof of income was no longer mandatory to vote. The country has become secular, provinces became states and a new type of registration was carried out.

During this period, states, municipalities and the Union began to issue different voting cards. As a result, people had up to three different documents to vote for different positions.

In 1916, a new voter registration card was created. Among the requirements to be able to vote were: being over 24 years old, proving activity or having an income that would guarantee subsistence and proving residence close to the region of the electoral registration. But the model did not last long, and with the revolution of 1930 new directions in this sector were taken in the country.

THE Electoral Justice was created in 1932 with the objective of organizing and supervising the Brazilian electoral processes. It was also in that year that the Electoral Code was instituted, which allowed the women's vote in Brazil, an important democratic advance for the country, in addition to the secret and mandatory vote.

The 1932 voter registration model was the first to be composed of the citizen's photograph and fingerprint. But, in 1945, with a new model, the document no longer had a photograph and started to consist of two parts, one delivered to the voter and the other that was kept in a registry office.

In 1950, the second Electoral Code was instituted. There were new regulations for the Electoral Justice, as well as the regulation of political parties. In 1957, the minimum age to vote was 18 years old., and, in the case of men, the military enlistment certificate began to be required to issue the document. The link with the polling station became permanent as of that year, except in cases of change of electoral domicile.

THE Voter ID template that is currently used was created in 1986, year of the General Elections. The registration number, the electoral zone (a region that is managed by an electoral registry) and the polling place are informed in the document. The document no longer contains the voter's photo.

image credit

[1] rafapress / shutterstock

by Lucas Afonso

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AFONSO, Lucas. "Voter ID"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on May 1, 2022.

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