The uses of hacia y hasta en español

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How to use haciaand upin Spanish? At prepositionshacia and up are somewhat complex to use for Portuguese speakers because, in general, we tend to translate them as “até”. However, these two prepositions have quite different meanings, although they can be interchanged in some cases. Furthermore, up also fulfills the function of adverb. In this article, we will learn the meanings and uses of hacia and until. Get started and learn Spanish!

See too:Verbs Hopen and tener in Spanish — What's the Difference?

Summary on uses of hacia and up in Spanish

  • hacia and up are prepositions.

  • hacia means "towards", "about", "against", "by".

  • Hasta means "up to", "including".

  • Both prepositions can alternate in some cases.

uses of hacia

In general, this preposition indicates approximate direction, trend or attitude. It can be translated, depending on the case, as “towards”, “towards”, “against”. It is used with verbs that indicate direction (to move(if), to drive(if), go, travel), verbs that indicate change of direction (

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double, to spin —“bend”, “turn”, “turn”), or point-oriented action (point, darelaunch”, “throw”; attractr"to attract";to aim - "look"). Watch:

Iba hacia tu casa.
(Walking towards his house.)

Miró had the abyss and the dio miedo.
(She looked towards the abyss and it scared him.)

This preposition is also used in other contexts, how:

  • with nouns that express some displacement (way, way):

We support Alejandra on her way to the presidency.
(We support Alejandra on her way to the presidency.)

  • with nouns that denote feelings and attitudes related to people and things (admiration, affection, friendship, violence):

I feel a great admiration for your teacher.
(Feels great admiration for his/her teacher.)

  • with some adjectives (critical, hostile):

La violence hacia la mujer es crimen.
(Violence against women is a crime.)

Lastly, hacia also can indicate an approximate time, which can be replaced by around (around of), for a ride from, on(around):

Llego a casa hacia las dos.
(I get home around two.)

Read too: The use of muy y mucho en español

uses of up

In general, the preposition up is translated as “until” in Portuguese language, and has the following uses:

  • with verbs that indicate movement. In this case, up can switch with hacia, but the meaning is different:

Go to your house.
(Goes to his house.)

  • with an indication of the end or limit of a situation or state of affairs:

Count to 10.
(Count to 10.)

Until morning.
(See you tomorrow.)

  • with adverb function, up also means included in (including):

La mugre covered our hair.
(The tallow/dirt covered up to/even our hair.)

Exercises solved on uses of hacia and up in Spanish

question 1

Was there or hasta? Choose the correct word in each case:

A) We have to put an end to the abuses ______ the children.

B) Llegue _______ here.

C) she Miró _____ abajó and le dio vertigo.

D) You cannot leave __________ until you finish all the tasks.

E) If you laughed ____ that le dolió la panza.


a) there was

B) until

C) there was

D) until

E) until

question 2

Use hacia or hasta según correspond:

A) Salgo de casa _______ las tres.

B) You have to count ________ cien in the game of hide.

C) I will ______ your house, at the mall.

D) I have _______ mañana to finish this report.

E) I had great respect for ________ his mama.


a) there was

B) until

C) there was

D) until

E) there was

By Renata Martins Gornattes
Spanish teacher

Source: Brazil School -
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