Badminton: rules, how to play and history

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Badminton is a net sport played between two or four people with a shuttlecock and rackets.

The objective of the game is to throw the shuttlecock into the opponent's area without him being able to catch it. When the shuttle falls to the ground, a point is scored.

The player or team that reaches 21 points first wins the set. A badminton match has a total of 3 sets.

Badminton is often compared to tennis, but it has its differences: in addition to the shuttlecock (also called shuttlecock), the rackets are smaller and thinner, as the shuttlecock is lighter than the shuttlecock. sneakers.

badminton racket and shuttlecock before a throw
Nylon shuttlecock and badminton racket, measuring about 67cm and weighing between 85g and 110g.

The height of the net in badminton is 1.55 meters. The net is positioned in the middle of the court and goes from one end to the other. The court is 13.4 meters long and 5.18 meters wide (in doubles games, the width is 6.10 meters).

The playing area is about five feet larger than half a tennis court.

The sport is played professionally by women's, men's or mixed teams.

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badminton court for singles and doubles
Badminton court dimensions for singles and doubles.

Game rules

How to play

The game of badminton can be single: 2 players or in doubles, 4 players.

The match is divided into three sets (or games). Whoever reaches 21 points first becomes the winner of that set. The winner of the match will be the one with the most sets won in total.

As in tennis, opponents must try to throw the shuttlecock over the net into the opponent's court with the racket. If the shuttle falls to the ground, a point is scored. This move, from the moment the shuttle is launched until the point is scored, is called a rally.

However, if the player makes a mistake and fails to throw the shuttle over the net or the shuttle falls outside the limits of the court, the point is awarded to the opponent.

If there is any interference outside the game, the rally can be repeated. It's called let.

Badminton is a sport that requires a lot of speed, in a serve the shuttlecock can reach more than 300km/h.


Badminton is divided into 3 sets, if the player or pair wins the first two sets, it is not necessary to play the third.

Sets end when one side reaches 21 points. However, if the game is tied with both at 20 points, it is played until reaching a margin of two points of difference.

If the game goes to 29 points, still tied, whoever gets 30 points first wins.


At the beginning of the game, a draw is made, the winner can choose between serving, receiving the service or one of the sides of the court.

During the game there is a server (who makes the service) and a receiver (who receives the service). These functions change according to who scores points.

If the server scores a point, he continues to serve. However, if you make a mistake, the service will be done by the opponent.

The receiver cannot move until the server hits the shuttlecock. Blow is the name given to the forward movement of the racket when it hits the shuttlecock.

The server, when making the service, must keep both feet fixed on the ground. The shuttlecock must be below your waist when you hit it.

The hit must be made at the base of the shuttlecock and with the racket handle pointing downwards. In addition, the hit made with the racket must have a constant movement, you cannot stop the racket with the shuttlecock on top.

court positioning

When making the first service, the server must stand on the right side of his court, while the receiver stands diagonally to the server on his part of the field (also on his right side). When the server score is even, this is how players should be (including playing in doubles).

When the score of the serve is odd, the server must be on his left side of the field, as well as the receiver.

In doubles games, the positioning is the same, the doubles partner can position himself anywhere on the court, as long as it does not interfere with the receiver's vision.

At the end of each set, the sides of the court are switched. Whoever wins set 1 will serve first in set 2. If there is a third set, when one of the sides reaches 11 points, the fields are changed again.


In badminton, when a foul is committed, the penalty is applied: the opposing player wins a point and goes on to serve.

Prohibited moves are:

  • The shuttlecock must not touch the player, his clothing, the ceiling and around the court.
  • The player must not touch the net, even with the racket or with his clothes.
  • The player cannot hit the shuttlecock more than once in a row or pass it to his partner (in doubles games).
  • In doubles games, the partner cannot receive the service in place of the receiver.
  • The shuttlecock must not land outside the court lines.
  • The server cannot miss the shuttle during a serve.
  • The player must not enter the opponent's field.
  • The player cannot hit the shuttlecock over the net, entering the opponent's area.


In each set, upon reaching 11 points, a one-minute break is given. You can also take a 2-minute break between each set.

History: From Origin to the Olympics

Badminton was born in India with the name "poona". In the 19th century, during the English colonization in the region, it was taken to England. The practice started at the Duke of Beaufort's home, Badminton House. The sport became known by this name.

With the great popularity of the game and the expansion of the practice to other countries in Europe and also in America, it became necessary to establish rules and penalties.

In 1934 the International Federation of Badminton was founded, which later became the World Federation of Badminton.

In 1992, badminton officially debuted at the Olympic Games in Barcelona. The sport is particularly popular in the eastern part of the globe, particularly in countries such as China, South Korea, Japan, Indonesia and India.

China is the country with the most Olympic medals in the sport: 48.

In Brazil, the first badminton medal took place in 2007, at the Pan American Games in Rio de Janeiro. The winning duo, Guilherme Kumasaka and Guilherme Pardo, took third place and won the bronze medal.

Badminton is also a Paralympic sport, which made its debut at the 2020 Tokyo Paralympics held in 2021. The country with the most medals in parabadminton was China: 10.
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