5 ways to get investment for your business

Nova Educa is an educational consultancy that will bring tips so that young people can, from an early age, learn to innovate and undertake, discovering countless possibilities for building a future promising.

Planning and creating your company is complex, being an entrepreneur requires resilience, success is a matter of competence, and even reaching these three topics, it is still necessary to have capital or money to invest and do the business to grow. In summary, let's give some tips on how young entrepreneurs can seek financial solutions on the market, but first it is important to evaluate:

  • Do you have an excellent business model? Your startup Is it able to grow and develop in a sustainable way?

  • Does the board of founders have varied expertise?

  • Your startup Are you past the idea stage and starting to launch your first products or services?

  • Can you demonstrate your expected profitability and when will the investment begin to pay off?

After answering these questions and concluding that all of your answers are positive, here are some solutions to get investments.

Read too: 3 important information to open your business

1. Friends and family

It may seem unprofessional, but remember that some of the biggest companies in the world today, like Facebook, Apple and Microsoft, started in garages, with very limited capital. Therefore, appealing to the circle of family and friends is no shame, after all, they trust and believe in you and your idea. Despite being close people, it is necessary to act with professionalism, show them the risks involved in the investment and how your planning is going. Know how to separate the personal from the professional so as not to wear out relationships.

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2. Banks and government programs

Traditional banks are generally not an easy source of capital for startups startups and small businesses. However, as you gain traction, they may offer credit cards and loans with friendly interest rates.

There are also government programs that provide grants for certain types of projects. That doesn't mean bringing in that kind of capital will be any easier. In many cases, there are certain restrictions and limitations that can be onerous for startups. The important thing is research well the conditions of each bank and see which incentive program best suits your business.

3. angel investors

An angel investor is an investor with a high level of income. He invests his own resources in developing his startup in exchange for a share in it. The "angels" are so called because they are willing to invest a large amount of money in a business that is still at an early stage. Despite being a very small current revenue, they believe that the business has great potential to generate good profits in the future.

In addition to capital, these investors can use the networking and their commercial experience to leverage their startup. However, it is worth remembering that you need to choose your angel investor well. Because from now on, he will be your business partner.

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4. accelerators

For startups At an early stage, there are accelerator companies that offer excellent ways to develop your business both financially and strategically. Typically, accelerator programs have an established schedule. So, the startups spend weeks or months working with a group of mentors. The purpose of acceleration programs is to help start business in few months, taking you from an early stage to a much more advanced stage in no time.

5. venture çwhistle

this is a investment modality composed of investors and venture funds. Such investors often finance small and medium-sized companies that are just starting out and that have high profit potential.

investors venture çwhistle apply resources in startups with expectations of accelerated growth and high level of profitability. Unlike angel investors, here we invest in companies that are a little more established, which have already kicked off initial start-up, have proven their growth potential and need financial resources to accelerate operations and expand in the market. It is worth mentioning that, when this investment is made, the fund responsible for the contribution becomes part of the corporate structure of its startup.

By Nova Educate

Nova Educa is an educational consultancy focused on developing projects in schools involving Apple Technology, implementing iPads and training teachers. In addition, it also conducts the Nova Educa Debate podcast, with interviews about the educational market and the BNCC on entrepreneurship and innovation content. We will have several consultants collaborating with this column, which will be led by the innovation director, Carlos Coelho, education enthusiast with multinational experience at Singularity University (California) as a teacher and manager school; and we will have Priscila Coelho, director of operations, specialist in educational technology training, creativity and innovation.

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