Above or above: what's the difference?

Above or above?The answer to this question will depend on the speaker's intention. If he intends to indicate a higher position, a higher level, a direction towards a higher place or even a higher part of a text page, he should use the adverb "above".

However, if he intends to use a synonym for "the top" or "the summit", it is correct to write "above" (an expression formed from article plus substantive). This expression can also be used with the same value as “up”. In the latter case, the term "a" is a preposition.

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Summary about above or above

  • The word “above” is an adverb of place and indicates a higher position.

  • The expression "above" is formed by article or preposition plus the noun “above”.

  • Accompanied by an article, the term “top” is used as a synonym for “top” or “top”.

  • Containing a preposition, the expression “upwards” is equivalent to “upwards”.

Above or above: what's the difference?

The term "above" is an adverb of place

. the expression "above" is composed of the article or preposition "a" plus the feminine noun "above", which means the same as “top” or “top”, that is, the top would be the highest part of something.

Know more: Meeting or meeting: which is right?

When to use the above?

We use the adverb "above" to do reference:

  • to a higher place or position:

Most above, there on that branch, there is an abandoned nest.

  • at a higher level:

You stayed above expectations.

  • in a direction towards the highest part:

Just follow the street above and we arrived at the bookstore.

  • to a top part of a text page:

In the example above, we mentioned the street of a bookstore.

See too: Like or at last: how to use?

When to use “up”?

The use of the expression “above” is uncommon. However, she can be used in two cases.

  • In the first, the “a” is an article:

VivianTheup of a saw.


Vivianthe top of a saw.

I went to above of the saw.


I went to the top of the saw.

  • In the second, the "a" is a preposition:

look at the painting below above.


look at the painting below up.

It is necessary to build the house below above.


It is necessary to build each from below up.

Read too: A or there: do you know how to use properly?

Solved exercises on above and above

question 1

Analyze the statements below and mark the alternative where the use of “above” or “above” is INCORRECT.

A) Student, read the instructions above to answer the test questions.

B) Upon reaching the top of a mountain, I felt loneliness and immense power.

C) Above all else, the most important thing in life is knowledge.

D) Juliano looked me up and down, with a contempt that hurt me deeply.

E) We walked uphill, without stopping, despite our fatigue and thirst.


Alternative E

When we intend to refer to a direction towards the highest part, we use the adverb “above”. Therefore, the correct thing is to write: “We walked uphill, without stopping, despite our fatigue and thirst”.

question 2

Read the sentences below and mark the alternative in which the use of the expression “above” is CORRECT.

A) The bowl is on top, on the last shelf in the cupboard.

B) From up here, I don't want any traffic, do you understand me?

C) Don't worry about Mario, he is above pettiness.

D) The drawing above is 565 years old.

E) If we go upriver, we will reach the village in about an hour.


Alternative B

We write “upwards” when this expression is equivalent to “upwards”. So the phrase "From here on, I don't want any traffic, do you understand me?" it can also be written like this: “From here up, I don't want any traffic, do you understand me?”.

by Warley Souza
Portuguese teacher

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/gramatica/acima-ou-a-cima.htm

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