5 lessons from the movie “Moneyball: The Man Who Changed the Game”

Based on facts, the 2012 movie the man who changed the game is the story of Billy Beane, manager of the Oakland Athletics baseball team. With little cash on hand and the help of Peter Brand, he developed a sophisticated statistics program for the club, making it stick. among the top sports teams in the 80s, a really remarkable fact for the sport and the way teams can build teams winners.

It's now possible to watch the movie on Netflix, so if you haven't seen it yet, run there and check it out. This story brings many lessons for those who want to undertake and take risks in the market. Below are some tips that we selected for you.

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5 lessons from the movie Moneyball: The man who changed the game

1. Changes and scenarios

In the film it is very clear that there is a system that has been working for years in the same way. With high costs and annual investment needs, the entire process made life difficult for small teams (companies) and increasingly distanced them from large teams.

Evaluate the scenario and understand that doing the same will not change the game was the character's great insight. This kind of vision is something that few entrepreneurs have the ability to do.

2. time and result

People seek to create innovation, but they hope to achieve immediate results, that is, they have to work out in the first moment of analysis. The film shows a lot the need to wait to really reach new heights and it makes it clear that believing is the way, because if we keep to our ideal, things will happen and we will really change the game.

3. Creativity and little money

I could tell you to follow the Nubank example. There are several really cool stories of how the company appeared to the market in a different way and with little investment. But going back to the movie, it's very clear how all planning followed the financial potential of the team of Oakland. This limitation forced the search per new solutions, believing in the idea of ​​working with numbers to define which players should be hired. There is a phrase that sums up this ideal well: “We are not going to hire players, we are going to hire results.”.

4. I want but others don't

Innovating and doing things differently is already a very complicated process, it takes time and few people can achieve great results. However, one of the biggest problems to face is the surrounding environment. QWhen we are in a comfort zone or accommodated with a system, we do not want to favor change.

In the film, there are many people, at different levels, who hinder the development of new ideas. Keeping your focus and identifying how to handle these scenarios is important to winning and achieving goals.

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5. The achievements and the path

The best message of the film is not the focus on the innovative idea or the difficulties in achieving success, but the importance of enjoying the path. Learning and life experience do not come at the beginning or end of a trajectory, but in how we live each moment. We transform on this path and face our fears. Knowing how to walk in a balanced way on the road to success is the best route to reach our destination.

By New Educa

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/clube-do-empreendedorismo/5-licoes-do-filme-moneyball-o-homem-que-mudou-o-jogo.htm

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