Religious values: what they are and how they are formed (with examples)

Religious values ​​are principles and norms that guide the actions of people who share the same religion.

Religious values ​​are also moral values, justified by faith and associated with the teachings of a religious doctrine. These values ​​can vary according to what, culturally, a religion builds as the basis for the behavior of its followers.

They act as a guide for human behavior, for relationships between people and as a form of union between individuals and God (or gods, in polytheistic religions).

However, some values ​​may be common to different religions, such as: love, solidarity, respect and faith itself. These values ​​guide people's actions and are directly related to the teachings of each of the religious traditions.

Thus, religious values ​​reinforce behaviors, qualities and characteristics that are desirable to the faithful of each of the religions.

Religious traditions and their value systems

Each religion has its own traditions and consequently develops its own value system.

Religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Islam have a strong connection with the idea of ​​respect for religious laws and purity.

Religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Candomblé and Umbanda, on the other hand, have a stronger connection with nature. Thus, values ​​linked to harmony and balance have great relevance.

This is not to say that there are values ​​that are unique to a religion. Religious values ​​tend to be transversal and common to religions.

However, as they are marked by the traditions of each of the religions, some characteristics can be prioritized over others in the construction of values.

For example, religions that admit reincarnation perceive purity as part of an evolutionary process related to the evolution of the spirit. Meanwhile, religions in which there is no reincarnation value purity in their opposition to sin and damnation.

However, different religious traditions share humanistic principles, making some religious values ​​common to all value systems.

See also what they are humans values and moral values.

Examples of Religious Values

  • Faith
  • Love to God
  • Devotion
  • respect for others
  • Charity
  • Hope
  • Peace
  • Perseverance
  • Prudence
  • Compassion
  • Obedience
  • Love
  • Solidarity

See too:

  • Ethical Values
  • Examples of human values
  • Examples of moral values
  • Ethic and moral
  • Examples of Ethics and Morals
  • Ethics and Citizenship
  • ethic
  • Moral

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