Encceja certificate – where and how to get the diploma

You have taken the National Examination for Certification of Skills for Young People and Adults (fill) and was approved. Now, it's time to apply for an elementary or high school diploma. Do you know how to get Encceja certificate?

At Encceja, the participant who achieves a minimum score of 100 points in each objective test and a minimum of 5 points in the essay can apply for a diploma from elementary or high school. There is also the possibility of requesting a partial declaration of proficiency for cases where the total exam score was not reached, but one or more subjects were passed.

Who issues the Encceja certificate?

O Certificate of Completion by Encceja it is issued by the state education departments and federal institutes that have an agreement with Inep. In all, there are 383 registered certifying institutions. The list of Encceja's certifying institutions is attached to the Exame's public notice.

See Encceja 2019 certifying institutions

In the case of secretariats, diplomas and partial statements of proficiency are issued for primary and secondary education, whereas institutes are only issuers for secondary education.

Inep is not responsible for issuing the certificate, it only passes on the test scores so that state secretariats and federal institutes can issue the document.

How and where to apply for the Encceja diploma?

After the disclosure of Encceja's results, the participant can look for the state departments of education or the federal institutes. Is important take your identification document with photo and Encceja registration number for the score to be tracked by issuers of certificates and statements of proficiency.

Not all federal institutes issue Encceja certification, so it is important to access the official pages of the FIs to find out who receive the requests for diplomas and declarations of proficiency.

How to use Encceja's diploma?

The Encceja certificate has the same validity as the diploma issued by regular schools (primary or secondary), as well as Education for Youth and Adults (EJA).

With the diploma obtained from the Encceja test for secondary education, the student can enter higher education by college entrance examsor by the National Secondary Education Examination (And either). In the case of Enem, you can use the notes to:

- enter public universities through the Unified Selection System (SiSU);
- try scholarships from the University for All Program (ProUni);
- finance tuition fees through the Student Financing Fund (faithful).

It is also possible to use the Encceja certificate to prove the schooling required in public exams and simplified selection processes.

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/educacao/como-conseguir-certificado-encceja.htm

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