Digital amnesia. The problems arising from digital amnesia

In the information-filled world we live in, it becomes increasingly difficult to remember relatively simple things like your best friend's phone number. That's because cell phones store the number, so it only takes a touch to get the friend called. But will the use of these technologies affect the memory of humans?

A recent survey conducted by a UK cybersecurity company (Kaspersky Lab) revealed that the increasing use of digital technologies is actively hampering our ability to memorize. According to the survey, people are increasingly dependent on electronic equipment to store information.

As man constantly searches for information in electronic devices, the brain “doesn't care” about saving information. This makes us unable to build a long-term memory. However, we are often not concerned about this fact as we believe that important information is stored. This experience is defined by experts as digital amnesia.

The survey, which included the participation of six thousand adults distributed across eight countries in Europe, reached the conclusion that more than a third of respondents preferred to search for information on electronic devices instead of consulting our main memory machine: o brain. Furthermore,

The study found that people could remember phone numbers from their childhood, but remembering current numbers was a more difficult process.

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Another problem reported by the survey is that personal memories are also stored in electronic equipment. Most photos, for example, are in the computer's memory, so the recorded moments are more easily forgotten. These memories, unfortunately, can be easily stolen or lost. In addition, the media used can become outdated, hindering the visualization of a given record.

Therefore, the survey serves as a warning to changes in habits and constant stimulation of our brain. It is important to point out that the computer or the smartphone it cannot replace our memory and the important information contained therein can be lost in fraction of a second. Furthermore, with regard to personal memories, it is essential that the lived experiences are better used and that they are no longer just a computer file.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

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SANTOS, Vanessa Sardinha dos. "Digital Amnesia"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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