Inorganic roasting reaction

is called inorganic roasting reaction the chemical process that presents oxygen gas (O2) and any sulfide. This reaction is processed (occurs) inside a special oven, which passes a stream of hot air through the mixture.

Observation:Sulfide it's every substance that has sulfur (S2-) as element more electronegative and a metallic element. See the general formula for a sulfide:


  • It's any metal to me.

In addition to oxygen and sulfide as mandatory reagents, an inorganic roasting reaction always results in two products:

  • a pure metal; or

  • a metal oxide always accompanied by a sulfur dioxide (SO2).

Below we have the chemical equations that represent inorganic roasting reactions:

Month + O2 → Me + SO2

Month + O2 → MeO + SO2

Thus, it is clear that whenever an inorganic roasting reaction takes place, the obligatory production of the SO occurs.2. The big question, however, is when will a pure metal be formed or when will a oxide with the sulfide metal.

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THE roasting reaction will form a metal pure next to sulfur dioxide whenever the sulfide is formed by a noble metal. Noble metals and sulfides can form the following elements:

  • Copper II (Cu2+) = CuS

  • Gold I (Au+) = Au2s

  • Palladium II (PD2+) = PdS

  • Platinum II (Pt2+) = PtS

  • Mercury I (Hg22+) or II (Hg2+) = Hg2S or HgS, respectively

  • Silver (Ag+) = (Ag2S)

See some examples of roasting reactions with noble metal sulfides:

CuS + O2 → Cu + SO2

PdS+O2 → Pd + OS2

Au2S + O2 → 2 Au + SO2

the roasting reaction will form an oxide when the sulfide does not have a noble metal in its composition. See some examples of roasting with the formation of oxides:

At2Y+ 3 O2 → In2O + SO2

MgS + 3 O2 → MgO + SO2

Al2s3 + 9 O2 → Al2O3 + 3SO2

By Me. Diogo Lopes Dias

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DAYS, Diogo Lopes. "Inorganic roasting reaction"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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