
We all know that flossing should be performed for keep teeth healthy. However, despite knowing the recommendation well, we are often not aware of the seriousness of this practice. Below, we will clarify important points regarding this subject.

What is the function of flossing?

Flossing has as its main function to remove the bacterial plaque and food scraps that get stuck in teeth and gums. It arrives at places that the toothbrush usually does not reach, therefore complementing brushing.

When removing the bacterial plaque, flossing promotes protection against gum diseases, such as gingivitis, and also against the emergence of cavities. If the plaque is not removed daily, it can harden and form the Tartarus, which is also called calculus. Removal of tartar is only done by a dentist.

How to floss correctly?

Observe the proper way to floss
Observe the proper way to floss

Many people have difficulty flossing, claiming, for example, that the process causes pain. However, pain is often linked to inappropriate use of the material. See some important points for correct use:

- Remove a portion of approximately 40 centimeters of wire and wrap around the middle finger, leaving, on average, 10 centimeters from one finger to the other;

- Use your thumb and index finger to hold the portion of the wire that will be passed between your teeth. It's important to leave about an inch of wire between your hands;

- Gently slide the thread up and down between the teeth, making a zigzag;

- When reaching the base of the tooth, go beyond the junction line, cleaning this place very well. It is important to be careful with this region, as the gums are made up of very sensitive tissue;

- For each tooth, use a different portion of the wire.

What is the ideal type of floss?

There are different types of floss on the market, the ideal type being one that the patient can use easily and that does not cause injuries. There are types formed by multiple filaments and also those that have a single filament. The first type can fray if there is a restoration that has not been done properly or because of incorrect use. In addition to the difference between the amount of filaments, there are dental floss with wax, without wax and with flavors, which must be chosen according to the patient's wishes.

Heads up:Flossing can be used before or after brushing, with daily use only recommended.

By Ma. Vanessa dos Santos

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/saude-na-escola/uso-fio-dental.htm

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