The one thousand and one nights. The Arabian Nights - Arabic Tale

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Who has never heard of the “A Thousand and One Nights”? Do you know what this expression means?

The Thousand and One Nights is the title of one of the most famous works of Arabic literature, it is composed of a collection of short stories written between the 13th and 16th centuries.

What makes the reader interested in reading all the stories is the fact that they are interconnected, that is, one is a complement to the other. The work tells the story of King Perisa of Persia, who was betrayed by his wife and had her killed, from that moment on he decided to spend each night with a different woman, who was beheaded the next morning. Among the many women he married, Sherazade was the smartest, starting a tale that piqued the king's interest in hearing the continuation of the story the following night.

With her cleverness, Sherazade escaped death and, in order to continue living, she wrote a thousand and one nights. The Arabian Nights became known in the West from 1704 onwards, thanks to the French orientalist Antoine Galland. The book has undergone several adaptations, the current version is based on translations by Sir Richard Burton and Andrew Lang, in this the more “hot” scenes were eliminated or modified, gaining a lesser context sexual.

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Practically all the stories take place in the region corresponding to Egypt and Persia.

by Eliene Percília
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School -

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