Electric field vector definition. Definition of electric field vector

In physical terms, the concept of electric field it is a little complex, but in order to understand it more easily we can say that it is analogous to the concept of a gravitational field. Although we cannot see it or touch it, we can verify its existence using a body of evidence.

Test charge (q) thrown into an electric field

To determine the existence of an electric field, we must place an electrified test charge in the region of the space in which there is an electric field, so we will verify that such a charge is subject to an electric force (), as shown in the figure above. Therefore, the sources of electric field are electrified bodies, which we call source loads (Q).

When moving an electrical test charge in an electrical field, it will be subjected to different strengths of electrical force. At each point of the electric field we define a electric field vectorO (). The intensity of this electric field is given by the following expression:

In the expression above, is the electric field vector and is the electrical force vector on the test charge (

what), at the point considered. In the International System of Units, the unit for the electric field is newton by coulomb (N/C). From the previous definition, we can write:


the vectors  and  have the following characteristics:

- in module, F=|q|. AND
- same direction
- if the electric charge is positive (q > 0),  and  have the same meaning
- if the electric charge is negative (q < 0),  and  have opposite senses

Vector representation of the electric field for a positive and negative charge

By Domitiano Marques
Graduated in Physics

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/fisica/definicao-vetor-campo-eletrico.htm

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