The field of study of geographic science is very broad, a fact that makes it possible to analyze several phenomena that occur in space. Thus, Geography is responsible for addressing natural events, changes in nature caused by the relationship man-in-the-middle, spatial organization, landscape interpretation, description of places, society, geopolitical analysis, economy, among others themes.
The “Curiosities” section makes available a series of articles with the most varied subjects covered by Geography. Among the various topics, the reader will be able to find out about:
Do not stop now... There's more after the advertising ;)
- The origin of the atmosphere.
- Big Bang Theory.
- Rotation movement.
- Equator line.
- Black Hole.
- Southern cruise.
- Geological Ages.
- Seasons.
- Oceans.
- Water.
- Water desalination.
- Main tectonic plates.
- Earthquakes.
- Hurricane.
- Tsunami.
- The relationship between hydrography, climate and relief.
- Al-Qaeda.
- Amnesty International.
Great read!
By Wagner de Cerqueira and Francisco
Graduated in Geography