How to optimize time and studies?

One of the greatest challenges for students is perhaps studying to get a good job and, at the same time, working to maintain their studies. It seems confusing, but that's the reality for most young people: reconciling work and employment, maintaining a good performance in both. Often, the salary at the end of the month is the guarantee of the monthly fee and the teaching materials required to complement the training.

It sounds like a challenging task, but it's perfectly possible. It is enough for the student to have subject for organize the time and carry out the activities that are necessary both at work and in studies. Whoever has a tight routine can't waste time, it's necessary know each time that will be vacant and distribute among the outstanding tasks.

If necessary, Build a table listing all the activities for the week., including the time you spend in traffic. In this way, the student will be able to have a sense of free time and how to enjoy it with a programmed reading or solving exercises.

study schedule

A few tips can be crucial for making the best use of your time. The first one is prioritize content linked to matters considered the most difficult, which does not mean that the others will be left out. It is always good to devote more time to resolve any doubts that may have remained after the teacher's explanations.

Another fact that is a reality in the life of a working student is forgoing weekends and days off from work to study. It doesn't mean abandoning social events, but establish a priority line, participate only in the most important events and enjoy the rest of the time with studies.

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It is true that it can even beat discouragement in the face of such a tight routine, but the time spent studying is something that brings an unprecedented return. If the desire is to have a good job and live in peace the rest of the days, the sacrifice is worth it. Always keep your goal in mind and join forces not to give up.

program yourself

When scheduling studies, it is necessary to take into account some important activities, such as:

► Dedicate yourself as much as possible to participate in expository classes, as this is the best time to ask questions;

► solve exercises proposed by teachers and those who can help in the most difficult subjects;

► Review the content with readings on the topics studied;

► Put the reading up to date, as letting texts accumulate can interfere with other tasks;

► Have an agenda with all the work delivery dates noted down to facilitate scheduling.

Quality of life

The old saying goes that “empty bags don't stand up”, so the student, no matter how busy the routine, must have a good nutrition to avoid health problems. In addition, the practice of physical activities offers willingness and should also be part of the routine.
by Rafael Batista
Brazil School Team

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BATISTA, Rafael. "How to optimize time and studies?"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed on July 27, 2021.

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